Captiolo (11) Undici ~ Serving Subpoenas

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It had been about six months now since Pepper had become CEO of Stark Industries and I had become Tony's assistant. In the six months, the two had also finalized their divorce. The process was quick and easy, and since Pepper was about to get rich from being chairman and CEO of one of the largest companies in the world and they already had an idea for their custody of Morgan, they didn't focus much on what would normally be the more difficult aspects.

Tony and I were currently in a plane, flying over the Stark Expo that he just had to start back up. I was with the pilot, watching us get closer to the drop point while Tony was throwing up in the bathroom. He must have been drinking last night or something 'cause he seemed very hungover. I'm just glad that it was Pepper's week with Morgan.

"Ma'am, we're almost at the drop zone." One of the pilots looked over at me.

"Thank you, I will let him know." I nodded, walking over to the bathroom. I could hear Tony groaning and making pained noises as I opened the door.

"I'm serious," He said, head halfway in the toilet while in his Iron Man suit as he waved me off. "Give me a little space. I can't-"

I looked at him, disgusted at the smell that was wafting out of the small room and annoyed at how he was acting.

"Get up."

"Oh god. I can't go through with it. I'm telling you." He heaved, lifting himself up.

"We don't have time for this we have to go," I yelled at him.

"Oh god, you don't want to see that," Tony put the lid down, taking some toilet paper and wiping his mouth.

"Where am I? Do I look weird?" He groggily asked, finally standing up and walking out of the restroom.

"Yeah, you look like you look every day. You look like you have a hangover." I grabbed the back of his suit, pushing him with one arm to where he'll be able to fly out while the other held his helmet.

"I literally just almost died give me something, give me some crackers, ginger ale anything." He panted, sitting down on one of the seats. "Give me some Advil."

"I don't have Advil but I've got Motrin."

"Motrin? I am telling you there is something seriously wrong-"

"Yes, there is something seriously wrong with you!"

"With giving a grown man Motrin."

"It's a brand name!"

"I'm not on my cycle, Avery!"

"It's ibuprofen!" I yelled at him, the alarm going off a second later telling us how the doors were about to open for Tony.

"Abort mission!" He screamed as I made him stand. "Tell them to stop saying we're dropping!" He pulled out one of the air masks, holding it up to his face.

"We're not-"

"We are not doing this mission!"

"We are not aborting the mission! Do you have any idea the level of cooperation it took for the DOD to approve of this?"

"Send them flowers."

"We are over the drop zone, Tony," I growled at him, getting pissed.

"What?" He turned to me, throwing the mask off his face.


He took some deep breaths, before saying "Let's do this baby." and walking towards the door.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" I whispered to myself, following him.

"I know I can be selfish sometimes" He started, grabbing onto my arms.

"All the time."

"And I know I don't say it enough, but how's my hair?"

"You've said that before dumbass."

"I know but this time I mean it, is it PC enough, do I need more product?"

"Yeah, you're looking good." I rolled my eyes, about ready to push him out myself.

"Okay, how about you give me a smooch for good luck? I might not make it back this is... heavy stuff."

I smirked, starting to walk toward him. Tony's eyes went wide, not expecting me to actually go through with his request. When I got close enough, I leaned in, and quickly put his helmet in between us, kissing it before throwing it out the door and sending it falling.

"Go get 'em boss," I smirked, Tony looking back at me with a disappointed expression before jumping out himself.

"You're amazing!" I heard him yell as he fell, making me roll my eyes.


By the time the plane landed, Tony was making his speech, so I met him at his car that was sitting outside of the expo's entrance.

"Excuse me, your Tony Stark's assistant, right? Avery Lynn?" A woman came up to me as I leaned against the car.

"That's me. Can I help you with something?"

"I've actually got to talk to Mr. Stark for a moment. Mind if I wait with you?"

"Not at all." I knitted my eyebrows. "Can I ask why you have to talk to him?"

She was about to answer before the man of the hour walked out, Happy leading him to the car.

"Hey, does she come with the car?" Tony asked, looking at me.

"She might."

"Yeah? And what's with the other one? Who is she?"

"I'm not sure."

"Hi," Tony said, glancing at me before looking back at the woman. "And you are?"


"Irish. I like it." Tony shook her hand, walking to the other side of the car.

"Please to meet you, Tony."

"I'm on the wheel. Do you mind?" He quickly spoke to Happy as he put the top of the car down. "Where are you from?"


"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you."

"Yeah? You found me." He got into the driver's seat. Happy held the passenger's door open for me to get in, before closing the door and standing beside the car, waiting for the conversation to end so he could go to his own car that was a few feet away. "What are you doing later?"

"Serving subpoenas." She held out the folded document.

"Yikes." Tony looked away from the papers.

I rolled my eyes before leaning over, grabbing them from the woman. "He doesn't like to be handed things."

"Yeah, I have a peeve."

"I got it."

"You are hereby ordered to appear before the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m." Miss. Marshal said as Tony rubbed his temple.

"Can I see a badge?"

"You wanna see the badge?"

"He likes the badge." Happy chimed in as she held it up.

"You still like it?"

"Yep." Tony started the car as I finally buckled. "How far away are we from D.C.?"

"250 miles I think," I mumbled, pulling out my phone to text Pepper and tell her what was going on.

"All right. Hogan, well see you there."

"Yes sir." Happy nodded, right before we sped off, tires screeching against the pavement. 

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