Captiolo (46) Quarantasei ~ Fixing Things

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Things with Liv have been going well. Together we were able to create a better version of the Accords, and we were planning on presenting them as soon as we could.

I was currently with Rhodey, helping him get used to the new metal wrapped around his legs while the kids hung out in the living room.

"Come on, Rhodes, you can do it. It's like riding a bike." I encouraged him.

"I wish I could make a sarcastic comment right now." He complained, trying his best to stand from his spot.

"Was it going to be something along the lines of "ride a bike my ass"?"

"...Maybe." He mumbled, making me snort.

"If I can do it, so can you. And besides, you're lucky. You'll actually be able to use both legs like normal one day. I'll always be the girl with one leg."

"Sorry, Avery. You know I don't mean it like that."

"I know." I nodded. "I know how hard it is when you get into an accident like this. It's hard to adjust."

"You know, when I was falling, I was thinking about you. I was wondering if what I was going threw was similar to what happened to you all those years ago. I just kept thinking, "If she can survive this, I can too."

"And I'm so glad you did. I couldn't lose my partner."

The two of us sat in silence for a moment before I clapped my hands, restarting the conversation.

"Now, let's get you up and moving."

I helped Rhodey as much as I could, the two of us getting him to properly stand, each time he stayed up longer than the last. Right after Rhodey sat back down, preparing to stand right back up, my phone went off, Olivia Starks contact appearing on my screen.

"Um, sorry. I should take this." I picked up my phone in confusion, stepping away. "Oliv?"

"Hey, Avery. Do you have someone over there that can look after the kids for a little while?"

"Why? What happened, is Tony okay?" I asked, immediately starting to panic.

"He's... he's alright... I think. I'm going to send you his location. I need you to pick him up."

"What, why, is something wrong with his suit?"

"Steve and Bucky trashed it. I also regrettably might have had a hand in it too, but still."

"God, Olivia, what happened over there?"

"...Tony and I just found out Bucky killed Howard and Maria. Apparently, Steve knew about it, too."

"Holy shit." I gasped, my hand flying up to my forehead where a massive headache was starting to form.

"Yeah, so I'm getting the boys away for a little while. That means I can't help Tony right now, though."

"Yeah, I'll get him."

"Thank you. Oh, and you might wanna bring a medic with you. I don't know how beat up he is."

"Alright. I'll let you know when I get him and how he is."

"Thank you." She sighed, hanging up the phone.

"You gotta go?" I turned around, hearing Rhodey's voice.

"Yeah. Tony and Steve got into it pretty bad. I gotta go get him." I nodded, typing on my phone to text one of the Compounds medics to meet me at the jet. "I'm so sorry, Rhodey, but do you think you could-"

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