Captiolo (41) Quarantauno ~ Distracted

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"So, is there anything you want to get for your sister while we're here?" I asked Harley. The two of us had been sitting at a booth in a restaurant in the mall, enjoying some dinner. Pat had been hanging out at the bar, watching whatever was on the TVs.

"Can we? There's this new watch she's been eyeing, but the O'Donalds can't afford it yet."

"Of course. Did you spot it while we were walking around?"

"I think I saw it at Clairs, yeah." He nodded.

"Alright. We can stop by before we leave." I told him, making the boy smile.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lynn, but you should see this." Patrick came up to the table, moving his body so I could see the television.

With furrowed brows, I looked towards the TVs, noticing the video of one of Tony's suits fighting the Hulk.

"Harley, stay here with Patrick. I'll be right back." I ordered, quickly getting out of the booth and walking up to the bar. "Excuse me, can you turn that one up, please?"

The bartender gave me a strange look, but seemed to recognize me from somewhere as her eyes went a bit wide. Wordlessly, she grabbed a remote from under the counter, quickly going to turn up the volume for me.

"-lots of damage in the streets of South Africa tonight, where the Hulk went on a rampage and destroyed everything in its path. The Avengers have yet to comment on what happened to the green giant that made him do this. Stark Industries has started-"

I became distracted by the vibrating of my phone, mindlessly taking it out of my pocket while my eyes stayed glued to the screen in front of me.

"Hello?" I asked, not paying attention to who called.

"Peg, hey." Tony's voice came through the phone, making my eyes widen.

"Tony, oh my god, what is happening over there?" I hissed.

"Remember those kids that we dealt with earlier? The ones with the powers?"


"The girl got to most of the team. They're all pretty shaken up."

"How are you, did she get to you? And is that what happened to Bruce?"

"Yeah, she got Banner good. Guessing you saw the news then."

"Yeah, with Harley at a restaurant and Pat told me to look at what was on." I looked over my shoulder to where Harley was looking at another TV, it also having the news on. "Now you didn't answer my question. How are you?"

"I'm fine. She didn't get me this time."

"What about physically? I saw how Hulk got to you."

"I'm good, hun, I'm all good." I could practically hear his smirk threw the phone. "Bartons taking us to a safe house, so I don't know how reception is going to be there. Just wanted to let you know if you tried to call and I didn't answer."

"Just use the landline and you'll be fine," I said without thinking.

"How would you know that? I didn't even tell you where the safe house was."

"Um..." I started, trying to think of some excuse. "You're just gonna have to trust me, I guess."

"Alright... it's nothing bad though, right? Like your not cheating on me with Barton and he's taking us to the scene of the crimes?" He joked, but sense the nerves rolling off of him.

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