Captiolo (25) Venticinque ~ Aunt Oliv

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"You're clear to go in."

The guard on the left opened the door for us, and as soon as I walked through Morgan was squirming her way out of my arms. I laughed at her antics, carefully putting her on the ground, and she started to run to the room with the open door, voices clearly being heard through the crack.

"Morgan! You have to wait a second I can't run that well!" I lightly scolded as she got halfway to what seemed like a fake room, as a backdrop could be seen just behind it.

"Hey, we're over here!" Tony's head popped out of the room a second later.

"Daddy!" Morgan yelled, somehow running even faster towards her father, knocking him over a bit when as she launched herself into his open arms when she got close enough.

"Hey, Maguna! Were you good with Avery?"

"Yeah! We made cookies!" I could practically hear the smile on Morgan's face as she talked.

"Wow! That's so cool. I might have to have some when we get home."

"No way, Stark. Those cookies are for Morgan and me only." I smirked as I made my way to the door.

"Yeah right. Now come on, slowpoke, and get in here. She's already old we don't need her dying listening to us."

"Anthony Stark who do you think you're calling old?" A voice came from the room. I looked over to see a tall brunette woman in a white tank top and black sweatpants standing behind Tony.

"Hi. I'm Isabella Avery Lynn. Everyone just calls me Avery though." I held my hand out as Tony stepped to the side, giving us room to talk.

"Olivia Stark. It's nice to meet you." She smiled, shaking my hand. "And you," Olivia turned to Morgan, who was still in Tony's arms, hiding her head in the crook of his neck. "Must be Morgan."

Morgan looked at Olivia for a moment, before putting her mouth up to Tony's ear and poorly whispering "I thought you said she was old. She's pretty."

All of us laughed as Morgan blushed, realizing we all heard her.

"Thank you, Morgan. I think you're much prettier though." Olivia winked. "And Tony was right, I am old. I was just in a very deep sleep for a long time, and my body didn't age the whole time."

"That's weird."

"It is." She chuckled, nodding her head.

"Come on, let's sit down and talk." Tony motioned his head to the chairs near Steve's bed.

"Is he okay?" Morgan frowned, looking at the man.

"Oh, he's fine, honey. He's just sleeping." Olivia reassured her. "Now come on, I want to know all about you."


It had been about an hour since Morgan and I first arrived. Tony, Olivia, and I were still talking while Morgan sat on the bed, silently playing with Captain Roger's large hands.

"Before I forget," I said, leaning down to my purse at my feet. "I believe these..." I took the letters out, holding them out for Olivia to take. "...are yours."

Olivia seemed to let out a soft gasp, her eyes watering at the sight of her long-lost letters.

"Oh my god," I watched as she carefully grabbed them, delicately holding them as if they could tear at any moment. "When I went into the ice with Steve, I thought I'd never see them again." Olivia's brows scrunched a bit as she looked closer at the stack in her hands. "This seems to be more than I wrote though..."

"A while after you went into the ice, your letters to Sargent Barnes were found. Since Rogers was gone with you, Howard added them to your pile. Mom later went through and organized them by date. No one ever truly read them, though." Tony explained.

I watched as Olivia moved her fingers carefully over the cards, her eyes glued to the stack of papers.

"I think it's time for us to give Olivia some space. She probably still hasn't even fully processed what's going on. We should let her be for now." I said, grabbing my purse and slowly standing up.

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