Captiolo (47) Quarantasette ~ New Accords

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Olivia and I were currently on our way to a meeting with the United Nations. She was going to help present the new Accords, as she has more of a pull with these people than I do.

And by that I mean everyone knows her by name and are honestly probably a bit scared of her. Also, she's not afraid to stick it to everyone if they try and screw us over.

"You think they'll agree to this?" I asked as we walked up to the large building.

"You and Liv re-wrote it, right? They'd be idiots not to." Olivia tilted her head, a small smirk on her face that reminded me too much of Tony.

"Ms. Stark, Ms. Lynn. If you would please follow me I can bring you to your waiting room." A man came up to us right as we entered, turning around and walking away.

"They sure do things fast around here," I commented as we followed.

"That's how politics are. Fast and unsatisfying for just about everyone." She snorted, making me roll my eyes.

We stayed silent as we entered an elevator, the random man hitting a button for one of the top floors. Once we arrived, he led us to one of the many rooms, opening it for us before giving Olivia and me each a key card.

"So, are you ready to present?" Oliv asked as she flopped onto the couch.

"Me? I thought you were going to help with most of the talking?"

"Oh, no, I'm here more for emotional support. Maybe chime in if needed. You're the one who came up with the new Accords, you get to present them to the class."

"They won't take me as seriously as they would you."

"Then make them."


"Ms. Lynn, why should we listen to you, Tony Starks girlfriend, on a government matter such as the Sokovia Accords? I see Ms. Stark is here with you. Why isn't she the one presenting this?" One of the old white men asked as I stood at the podium, a pointed look on his face.

I glanced back at Olivia, who wore an unreadable expression. I took a breath before looking back out to the sea of people.

"Because I am just as capable as Ms. Stark is to speak to you," I stated, making one of the women in the crowd smile, obviously pleased.

"So why have you gathered us all here to talk about something we have already agreed upon?" Another woman with a French accent asked.

"Because the people who you are forcing to sign this had no part in it. You didn't talk to any of them about how they felt about some of the rules, some of which are utterly ridiculous."

"And you believe we should have?"

"Yes! You have no idea how hard it is for some of them, no, all of them, out there. Risking their lives-"

"And the lives of our people." A man cut me off, making me glare at them.

"I do not mean to say this as an insult to the families of the people lost, but compared to those victims, we could have lost millions more if not for the help of the Avengers. How do you think all of your millitarys would have done against Loki's army in 2012? Against Ultron and his band of robots? They would have been obliterated. The Avengers put a stop to all of them."

"Wasn't Mr. Stark, your boyfriend, the cause of Ultron? And what about what Ms. Maximoff caused in Lagos?"

"Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, and Ms. Stark all had a hand in Ultron, yes. But a murder robot was not what they intended to create. As I understand it, the reason Ultron was truly created in the first place and went dark was because they were playing with forces none of us will ever be able to truly comprehend."

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