Captiolo (15) Quindici ~ The Race

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"Natalie," I said, eyes still on the screen.

"Yes, Ms. Lynn?"

"I might need you to stay here with Morgan for a little bit. Her father is doing something dumb again."

Natalie looked at the screen I was staring at, understanding what I meant.

"Of course. Do you need me to do anything else?"

"Um, just, get her some food if she gets hungry, please." I watched as Tony sped off with the other racers when a man in an orange jumpsuit was shown walking onto the track. He unzipped the top, revealing a device on his chest that looked similar to Tony's arc reactor and what seemed to be two whips. The top half of the suit started tearing away from his body as he turned the machine on, electricity crackling from the whips and chest piece, before hitting the car speeding towards him and cutting the front of the car off.

"Hey, monkey?" I rushed, looking at Morgan. "I have to go get your dad. I'll be right back though, okay? And Natalie will be with you the whole time I'm gone, alright?"

"Are you going to yell at my dad again?" She asked, her big eyes leaving her small screen and staring up at me.

"I probably will, sweetheart, yeah." I honestly said.

"Your scary when you're mad." She commented, making me frown.

"I'm sorry honey. I don't mean to scare you." I put my hand on her head, almost petting her hair.

"It's okay. When you yell at daddy, he usually doesn't do the bad thing anymore. It's good when you yell at him." Natalie and I laughed as Morgan went back to watching whatever movie she put on next.

I quickly stood up and rushed out of the room, searching for Happy and seeing him talk to some other bodyguards near the cars outside.

"Happy!" I yelled, running over.

"Miss. Lynn?" Happy quickly put out his cigarette, walking up to me.

"We have to hurry, Tony is in trouble."

"What about Morgan and Miss. Rushman?" He followed me to the car, getting in the driver's seat while I got in the back.

"Natalie is watching Morgan inside. Now drive, Hogan." I ordered.

"Yes ma'am." He stepped on the gas. "So what's going on down there?"

"Some maniac has these whips that seem to be powered by an arc reactor."

"Hang on." Happy warned, driving threw one of the barriers that separated people from the race course. "How did he get one of Tony's reactors?"

"I don't think he did. I think he made it." I moved more towards the front seats. "Now, where is that stupid key? I need the case."

"It's in my pocket!"

"Car!" I yelled, Happy swerving at the last second to hit the race car. "I told you the cuffs were a dumb idea," I grumbled, grabbing the key from the man's pocket.

"Yeah, yeah." I eventually got the case unlocked, and after turning a few corners we saw the man that was on t.v. slowly walking towards Tony.

"Hang on!" Happy hit the horn, slamming the car into the guy and knocking him out. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Were you heading for me or him?"

"I was trying to scare him."

"Cause I can't tell!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed at Tony as he walked to the backseat.

"Better security."

"Get in the car right now!"

"I was attacked! We need better security."

"Anthony get in the goddamn car right now!"

"You're my assistant and your my head of security! Better security measures. God, it's embarrassing." Tony went to the other side of the car and opened the door. Happy and I screamed when the tattooed man got back up, slicing the door in half and almost hitting Tony.

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