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Dw about the title...

Chapter 16,

TW//ED Mention.

~Third Person POV~

George and Alex had went to bed, after finishing ratatouille. They slept in their normal position (if you don't know it by how have you even been paying attention?)


Alex wakes up slightly earlier than George, as he knows his Dad will be calling out to their flat later.

Alex's dad arrives, greeting him with a hug and a smile,

George, forgetting that Alex's dad would be there enters the kitchen with a tired yawn and a : "mornin' love" 

"Ooo he's calling you love is something going on here? Don't worry I don't mind if there is" Alex's dad smiles,

"I mean.." Alex says, looking at George for the okay signal,

George nods, indicating that he can say yes,

"Yes there is dad, me and George are dating" Alex smiles, his face going a little red.

"Ah! I should've known!" His dad laughs,

"Well you better treat my son well!" He adds, nodding towards George as George makes himself some coffee.

"I will don't worry" George replies.


"Oh Alex! I forgot to mention, I haven't seen you in a while so I got you something really nice! It wasn't cheap" his dad says, winking at the not cheap part indicating the gift is quite expensive.

"Awh dad you didn't have to" Alex responds,

"It's at home, you could come 'round and I'll make you some tea and give it to you" he suggests,

"Sure I don't mind" Alex smiles, getting his shoes on to go into his dads car.

Alex goes over to George and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek,

"See ya later" George says,

"Byeee" Alex says as he walks out the front door.

George sits at the kitchen table, alone, drinking his coffee.


Meanwhile Alex is in the car with his dad, both of them laughing at the jokes the other would make.

After they arrive at the house, his dad begins to make him a cup of tea and give him some biscuits, but he wasn't feeling the biscuits, so he just took the tea.

"Hey dad could I go upstairs to my old room and take a quick look at it? It's been forever" Alex laughs,

"Of course the gift actually happens to be hidden in there" his dad smiles.


Alex heads up the stairs, and into his room and looks around, it's been years since he's been in it.

He starts to look around for the gift but gives up after about 5-6 minutes, realising his tea is probably cold by now.

As he heads down the stairs, he hears another voice, not his dads, coming from the kitchen.

Assuming it was his moms he heads towards the kitchen, only for his jaw to hit the floor,

It was George's dad.

Immediately, Alex tries to quietly reverse walk back towards the stairs but it's too late, he's seen him.

"Ahhh, Alex! Long time no see!" George's dad says, approaching Alex giving him a heavy pat on the back.

Euphor / George x alex /  angst | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now