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"Do not fall down, I cannot pick you up, you weigh a ton!" You scolded Seonghwa, grabbing his hands and locking them around your waist, his head resting against your back and you sighed, taking control of the horse.

Seonghwa had been stubborn enough that he insisted on travelling throughout the night, but he ended up catching a fever earlier than you thought. You noticed when you felt his breaths getting uneven and you touched his hand that was on your side, holding the reins, to find it burning hot.

You immediately took the reins from him which was when he gave up and rested his head on your back, sighing. "I think we should stop."

"You think?" You scoffed, "When's the nearest town? I need supplies for your medicine- normal medicines won't work on you anymore."

"Half an hour," his grip around your waist tightened as if he was afraid of falling down, "Wake me up when we get there."

"No, you cannot sleep. You might not wake up," you stopped the horse, turning to face him, holding his face in your hands and pushing his hair away, slapping his cheeks lightly to make him open his eyes. "You need to keep talking, Seonghwa. You cannot sleep."

"Okay, I understand," he nodded, "Let's go."

You resumed the horse ride and Seonghwa went back to his position. You squeezed his hand once, "Tell me about something- your childhood, your dreams, anything."

"Well," his voice was weak but he cleared his throat- he would try, "I never thought I'd end up in the castle- at my post, of all things."

"What exactly about your post was so unimaginable?"

You could feel him smile against your back, "I'm still fully conscious, Chaewol, I'm not spilling."

You scoffed but couldn't help but smile at that. "Well, go on then. Keep talking. Maybe I'll actually learn a thing or two."

Seonghwa sighed, "I miss my home. I miss the farm. I miss being carefree- but then again, that was 20 some years ago. I think I just miss being... free."

"You are a free man, Seonghwa," your voice was hard as memories made way, "Remember that as long as you are not chained in the dungeons for a crime you didn't do, you are free."

Seonghwa was silent for a moment. "And if I actually did a crime?"

"Then you brought it upon yourself. Then you deserve every part of it."

"Makes sense," he nodded, "I am free... that's true. But sometimes, you're captive to the responsibilities and the burden on your shoulders."

"The poison's making you poetic, Seonghwa."

"And what makes you think I'm not poetic otherwise?"

"Ah," you smirked, "Is that so?"

Seonghwa adjusted himself, straightening and putting his chin on your shoulder. You were caught by surprise and a sudden fear-

"Is it okay if I sit like this? Because I think I'm gonna fall anytime soon."

His voice was so cautious and hesitant that it made your heart melt a little. You shut your eyes for a second, getting rid of the thoughts and looked down at his hands hovering in the air. You took them and wrapped them around your waist. "Thank you for asking."

Seonghwa was silent for a few moments and you almost thought he'd fallen asleep until you felt his fingers caress your waist a little, "You're all bones, Chaewol." You didn't reply and he took that as an answer, "I'm going to make sure you look like a pig by the time we reach the Capital."

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