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"Wooyoung, I swear to god, I will kill you as soon as we get out of here."

"I'm just... surprised, is all," he had a shit-eating smirk plastered on his face, "Well, you can imagine my surprise, right, Hongjoong? When I saw her kiss Seonghwa like it was the last time-"

You threw a book at him and he dodged it expertly, not even batting an eye. Hongjoong shook his head, passing you a sad smile. "I have to say, I never imagined you and Seonghwa could be a thing. I used to think you and Wooyoung had something going on-"

"How could you even suggest that-" "What in the fiery pits of hell!"

You and Wooyoung looked at each other after the simultaneous outburst, shaking your heads. The three of you bickered for a while until you heard footsteps in the otherwise empty Healer Department.

"All clear," a figure came into the light, revealing a familiar face, "It's time."

"San," you got up and he smiled at you, taking your hands in his as you walked to him, "I can never repay you for the favour you've done me. Thank you for making sure my sister had company, San."

"I'm glad to see you're alive, Eunyoung," San smiled, "You look so much like Chaewon."

"Thank you," you smiled, turning to see Hongjoong motioning something to San. You raised a brow.

"San has something to tell you," Hongjoong grinned.

"Actually, don't kill me please," San laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his neck, "I... Chaewon and I..."

You gasped, smacking his chest playfully, "No wonder she didn't die of boredom."

"It just happened," he gave you a sad smile, "Whenever I was on duty, we talked. We'd sit in front of each other in the otherwise empty dungeon, separated by bars. She told me about her life, about you, how she loved you and was sorry to hate you for even a second when everything went wrong." You sighed, nodding, and he continued, "I told her about my life. I'd tell her about my work, about how you were here- very different from the sister you are. Somehow... we got used to each other until we could call it love."

"That's... beautiful," you wiped a tear, "Will you find Chaewon once we're out?"

"I will. I will come for her, if you'd allow me too-"

"Who am I to stop my sister from meeting the man she loves?" You smiled at him, "I'll wait for you. Let's go."

Following a secret passage built throughout the entirety of the castle that San told you led to the King's room as well and only a few trusted people knew, you all made a stop at the library where Yeosang was already waiting, tagging along to drop of at the level above the dungeons to chat with the guards and render them unconscious if need be. Yeosang squeezed your hand, "Are you sure Seonghwa comes tomorrow?"

"That's what he told me," you nodded, "Some work thing. Right, Hongjoong?"

"Yeah. He shouldn't be back before afternoon."

"I'm just nervous because this could go wrong in so many ways," Yeosang sighed.

You felt guilty, "I'm sorry for making you do this."

"You didn't make me do anything, stupid," Yeosang smacked your arm, "I'm doing this myself."

You passed him a look and he rolled his eyes, "Come on. Even Wooyoung's here. What more do you need? Do I have to say it out loud? That's what friends do-"

"Ew, don't say that word, we're not friends, Eunyoung and I," Wooyoung put his fingers in his ears and you kicked his leg. San told you all to shut up if you didn't want to be caught before the actual plan even started and you all did, snickering to yourselves. Yeosang dropped off and down you all went until you were standing on the roof of the passage that led to the dungeons.

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