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You wore the deep purple dress that Seonghwa had chosen for you, sliding the hairpin in your hair, looking at yourself in the mirror willingly for the first time in a while. You looked better than the messy state you had been in for days and that was a relief.

You waited for Seonghwa to come, and he finally knocked, a surprised gasp leaving you when you saw Hongjoong because you thought Seonghwa was going to take you to him. Hongjoong, who had been confused when Seonghwa said Chaewon's sister was here, kept his mouth shut about you the entire time.

"That's... Chaewol. Can you tell me her name, Hongjoong?" Seonghwa looked at him but he looked like he didn't hear him as he scanned you and walked to you in a daze.

"Is that really you-"

"Don't say my name," you told him, "It's me... Tell me you believe me, Hongjoong."

"Of course I do," he smiled, spreading his arms and you rushed to him, hugging him and crying into it, Seonghwa watching you two with surprise. Hongjoong had never mentioned being close to a female friend, and you... You clearly meant something to him because his body shook too. You locked eyes with Seonghwa, whispering a thank you and he nodded.

"You're so weak now... what do I call you?"

"Chaewol," you said and he nodded, sitting with you. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa.

"Can you leave us to talk in private?"

Seonghwa looked hurt but he nodded, understanding that Hongjoong must know who you really were and you clearly weren't ready to reveal it to him yet. You left Seonghwa wondering just why he was the one who didn't know anything.

"I know Chaewon's here," Hongjoong looked grim, "I've been secretly making sure they treat her well than the... rest of the prisoners."

You looked at him proudly, "I owe you my life then."

"You owe me nothing," Hongjoong squeezed your hands, "I had to pretend to be on the King's side when I learned they got Chaewon, so I could make sure someone looked after her. I'm sorry... for everything."

"Not your fault," you shook your head, "How is she?"

Hongjoong looked down, his red hair falling, "She could be better."

"She must hate me."

"I don't know, Eunyoung," Hongjoong called you by the name you used as a spy and you asked him to keep calling you Chaewol because anyone could overhear. "I couldn't reveal myself to her. I know seeing a familiar face would have helped, but I really couldn't. Wooyoung does, though."

"He does?" You frowned. "Are you sure?"

"He goes unnoticed even in daylight, you know how skilled he is," he smiled, "He keeps an eye on her. He comes by every month to check up on her."

"Gosh, I hate him," you laughed, "I met him and he never told me!"

"You know that's how he is," he smiled, "Anyways... I have a plan."


Hongjoong had taken you to the Healer's Department and you were coming back when you encountered Seonghwa.

"Oh. You're still awake."

"And you're up late," Seonghwa raised a brow, "Were you with Hongjoong?"

"Yeah, just coming back from there," you walked with him, "Busy day today?"

"Quite so, but I managed to get a lot of work done today."

"Oh?" You looked at him, "Feeling in your element?"

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