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The first stop you made on your way to the Capital was in a village north-west from where you started- the village where the one person you despised the most (after the King, of course) resided.

"So you're telling me," Seonghwa caught up with you as he looked at you in disbelief, "that we climbed this hill only to meet your enemy?"

"That's right," you nodded, "And wrong. We're not enemies, per se. We're... rivals," you grinned. "We go a long way back, and if there's one person I can trust with obtaining information... it's him."

Seonghwa laughed at the grimace on your face as you said that, "It looks like it physically hurt you to say that."

"Do not tell him I said that- it'll only boost his ego," you shook your head, "Also... try not to talk to him much. He's kind of loud and... can be a bit too much. Also, do not compliment him in any way- it'll only boost his already large ego."

Seonghwa thought that it was because you were rivals that you had all of this to say, but he found out you were right.

He was loud.

And a bit too much as well.

"Well, well, well," the man- a rather sassy looking person, clapped. "If it isn't the one person I've been dying to see. Did they not feed you in the prison-"

"I am compromised," you interrupted, hoping he would get what you meant, "Can we talk in private?"

Seonghwa frowned at the two of you- for rivals, it seemed like you two had a lot of understanding. The man looked at him, smiling, "Greetings. I'm Wooyoung. How are you acquainted with..." he looked at you, raising a brow at you- he couldn't call you by your name-

"Chaewol and I met at the road," Seonghwa began, "I'm Seonghwa. She saved my life- also... from the look on your face, it looks like Chaewol really isn't her name. I knew that already, by the way."

You let out a short laugh and Wooyoung shrugged, "Wooyoung might not be my real name.E He winked. "Let me arrange for your lunch- you must be tired from all the walking," Wooyoung urged you two to follow him.

"I have to say, you look awfully familiar," Seonghwa looked at Wooyoung, which made Wooyoung look at you as understanding passed between the two of you.

Seonghwa did work inside the castle- he gave himself away with that one comment. Wooyoung only ever showed his face inside the castle, around the king, which meant Seonghwa must have seen him around there... which meant that he worked around the king too.

"I'm sure you would have remembered such a pretty face if you saw it around," Wooyoung flipped his hair dramatically.

"And that's exactly what I meant when I said he can be a bit too much," you muttered, making Seonghwa and Wooyoung grin.

The three of you made way to the dining table, food arriving shortly after as Seonghwa and Wooyoung talked about this and that while you zoned out, planning out everything from scratch again because Seonghwa actually working around the king changed everything.

You needed to get him to loosen up and take you to the castle.

"So... what name is she going by again?" Wooyoung looked at Seonghwa who gave a pained smile as he told him your 'name'. "Chaewol. When did you arrive here?"

"A few days ago," you said casually, nibbling on a lemon tart, "Have you been working recently?"

"I left a few months ago, actually," he smiled and the tart dropped from your hand.

"You did not!"

"I'm resigning from my profession," Wooyoung sighed, "This life suits me much better."

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