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"God must have slipped or something while making you because this is the dumbest thing I've seen anyone do in my life. And I've met very, very dumb people, Seonghwa."

"Shh," Seonghwa ignored you, continuing to collect pebbles from the ground, "It's to keep you hidden."

"I told you no one would bat an eye if we go inside-"

"And how would you know that?" Seonghwa looked at you, "You've never been in the castle."

You nodded slowly, figuring you brought this upon yourself. "I just hope this friend of yours has the sense to notice."

"He will," Seonghwa assured you and handed you some pebbles, making you follow him to one of the windows that were accessible from outside the castle too. "Now, we throw the pebbles."

You were tempted to throw him along with the pebbles, but you held yourself back. "Aren't you 'just a guard'? What would they say if they saw you throwing pebbles at the library window?"

Seonghwa looked at you, "I guess it's about time I tell you who I really am. You're going to find out anyway."

"Don't expect me to tell you who I am in return," you teased.

Seonghwa aimed the first pebble at the window, missing it by an inch. He rubbed his hands, then threw a second one, which hit the window lightly but perhaps not loud enough for his friend to notice. The third one went flying elsewhere.

"Even Chaewon's got a better aim and she's nearsighted," you muttered, taking his hand and shoving the pebbles in them save for two, which you threw together, right in the middle of the window, waiting for a few seconds and you finally saw blonde hair on a pretty face-

Of course it had to be Yeosang.

He perhaps didn't recognise you because he only waved at Seonghwa and motioned for him to wait, peeking down at the guards, and then urging him to come inside. Seonghwa told you he usually enters from the back door by this method when he goes to visit his parents. You followed him inside, not encountering anyone and waiting by a fountain for Yeosang, during which you became thoroughly anxious because Yeosang knew who you were-

"Seonghwa!" He called and Seonghwa greeted him with a hug, which is when Yeosang scanned you and his eyes widened in recognition. You immediately put a finger to your mouth, shaking your head, urging him to stay quiet. He drew back and Seonghwa looked at you.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm... Chaewol. You are...?"

"I'm... Yeosang," he looked at Seonghwa and he told him you'd saved his life in the woods.

"Her story is a long one, but she wanted to visit the castle, so I brought her with me as my guest," he passed you a smile, "Let's not tell anyone else about her yet."

"Okay," Yeosang nodded and you sighed in relief, grateful he wasn't exposing you right there, "Follow me... Chaewol."

The two of you followed him to the guest chambers- you were too anxious about Yeosang to really take in the fact that you were finally inside the castle, so close to the man who had destroyed your life. Yeosang led you to one of the rooms. "I hope this is sufficient for you- if you need anything, you can tell me or ask the guards anytime."

"This is enough, thank you," you passed him a smile, throwing your bag on the chair.

"Seonghwa," Yeosang turned, "You're one day late. The King isn't the happiest about it."

You raised a brow at that- you had to pretend you weren't aware of his position. Seonghwa nodded at you, an indication that he would tell you later. "I should get going. Yeosang, can you arrange for her lunch?"

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