4 - Training in Argos

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In the huge dining hall, the four wrestling tentmates sat together, Origen and Praxis breathing in the delicious scents of hot food such a contrast to the cold fishcakes of the warships's rations. Spyro, their Clayman tablemate and local expert, pointed out the training mages, wrestling adepts and masters, and all the other boys they should worry about.

After the meal had begun, two boys strolled in late, their flowing capes were an affectation that set them apart. "Those two are the real problem, but not for you beginners," Spyro said, "they're adepts at the head of the list to represent Argos in pankration. The dark boy with the silly winged helmet is Ajax, the most vicious wrestler I've ever seen. The other lad is Jason 6 ... ."

Praxis didn't hear Spyro's words after "Jason 6" because his whole focus turned to consider the boy strutting down the main aisle. This was his competition—the boy whose father would do everything in his power to make his son win. Here was the one destined by privilege to become Zeus 25. The proclaimed "most viscious wrestler", Ajax, was already his sidekick. How much further could the deck be stacked against Praxis and the other country boys around him?

"... why aren't they our problem?" Origen was saying when Praxis's attention returned.

"You're not even permanent Claymen," Spyro said, "and only the best Ironman wrestlers in the land will vie to become Zeus. You figure it out. Who's going to triply enhance you to compete when they can give the opportunity to a permanent Rockman, or the winner of the Argosian Games. Our dear boy, Jason, is already a permanent Rockman, and his father has more permanent Orbs of Strength in his treasury from the last time the dynasty changed hands. He could use one to enhance his son to Ironman right now, if he felt like it. I you place a bet, you'll see the odds makers already favor Jason"

"So we should go home?" Praxis said.

"No," Origen objected, "we should help each other get better as a group. If one of us learns a trick, don't keep it to yourself. The stronger we get as a group, the more they'll have to give one of us a chance at Jason 6. When that day comes, we'll have to have a special plan to win. Winning won't get us to the Olympian Games instead of him, but defeating him might get us there alongside him, backup for Jason, so an Argosian will still be selected if Lord Jason 5's main plan goes wrong."

"You've got a brain in there too?" Spyro said, affecting amazement.

"I'll be on team Origen," Menos said, already converted from baiter to backer.

"Okay," Spyro agreed, "now you have a Clayman's support too. That makes three."

Then they were all looking at Praxis. "Until the Argosian Games finishes, we'll have each others backs," Praxis agreed. "You guys realize we'll still have to fight each other don't you?"

"Absolutely," Origen said, "fair fights always, unless its Jason, and you can get away with something."

Everyone laughed, but each wrestler at the table knew it was serious business to pit themselves against the son of Lord Jason 5, Protector of Argos. Praxis noticed that places at a master's table had been saved for the late adepts indicating the status they'd already achieved within the guild. He wondered if they would even see these favored adepts when they started practice tomorrow, or if Jason 6's training, as well as his meals, would be handled by masters.


Before dawn, Praxis was up. Since his usual morning activity had been to jog down the chalky cliff road to the wharf, he began his first day running the perimeter of the training yards then found a staircase up onto the walls that enclosed those yards. The view was better from the top of the wall, and the broad stone width of the wall's top was perfect for running, even by moonlight.

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