25 - Crossing Atlantis

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Zeus 25's procession left Mount Olympus by the Southern Gate. He had taken his horses and chariot as if it would be a short visit with Lord Xerxes of Keros, but extra wagons held more than gifts for Xerxes. The wagons were packed with supplies for months of seafaring and adventuring.

Izador, Sethos, and two master mages from the forges of the House of Fire and Light rode behind Zeus. They were along to quiz Solon of Melos on the tin trade which brought essential ingredients for bronze and pewter smelting.

Leto had been left in charge of the Grand Council much to her liking. Of those left behind, only she knew there was more on Zeus's agenda than a visit to Keros. Zeus also brought two of Pythia's memory specialists to record the journey and a couple of Airmen messengers to keep in touch with Leto.

Eight Cloaked Punishers flew above their expedition, and a dozen doeros and doeras rounded out the party to see to the horses, food, and any other of Zeus 25's needs. They rode by ranches nearly to the Southern Mountains before turning East on the road to Keros. They rested the horses at the Lost Lamb, the inn most travelers used on a journey to Keros. Of course, Airmen had been sent there ahead of the party, and all was ready for them when they arrived.


The streets of Keros were lined with citizens eager to see Zeus 25 when their party entered the city the next evening. Xerxes himself rode out alone to greet Zeus and lead the party to his palatial home which was as large and as imposing as a guild hall.

Like Gaios, Keros had a favorable climate protected by the Southern Mountains from the frigid winds of the true South. Keros was the second breadbasket of Mount Olympus after Gaios, providing aurochs steaks and wool for garments. Crops of corn and hillsides of wineberry, whiteberry, and thorn pears were harvested for the bakeries and breweries of Keros and then sold to the mages of Mount Olympus and the eateries in Elesium.

Xerxes led Origen and Zeus to a suite of rooms that had been prepared for them including adjoining rooms for his Punishers and attendants. Izador and his mages were put up in Apollo's Guild. After settling themselves and eating the best fare Keros had to offer, Zeus, Izador, and Origen met with Xerxes alone.

"Thank you for your welcome," Zeus began. "Of course, a main purpose of my trip is to cement our friendship and secure our Southern border with you as our ally in the coming conflict with Argos, but I have another purpose as well."

"Since I am already your ally, I suspected as much," Xerxes said.

"Though we will only enjoy your hospitality tonight, I would like your people and any other observers to believe we are staying with you for several weeks. In fact, I am travelling all the way to Lamium and don't want Lord Jason 6 to become aware of my destination until I've arrived there."

"I understand," Xerxes said, "leaving your team and chariot here would help in that deception if that's possible."

"Not just possible, but required," Zeus added. "Our journey's plan is to hire a tin trader's ship and continue to Melos and then South Bay by sea."

"A good plan, but I would not trust Lord Solon to help hide your ultimate destination."

"I know you don't trust him," Zeus said. "And I don't plan to even meet with him. Origen and I will stay aboard ship while Izador works with Solon to outfit us for the Southern Ocean in exchange for mage technology. Solon knows the importance of the tin trade for the House of Fire and Light, and it will seem perfectly natural for Izador to be going on there with his mages. With your help, Solon will think I'm still in Keros."

"Very well," Xerxes said, "Have you already the next evening your ship, or shall I have Captain Kyros procure a vessel for you?"

"That help would be most welcome, but be sure he thinks he's procuring it for Izador and his mages alone."

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