19 - Lord Jason 6

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That evening, Praxis saw that the Grand Mage of the House of Rock and Air had done everything he could to outdo the House of Law and Punishment in lavishness. His pavilion was twice as long as the pankration pavilion, but appropriately matching the great oval track where runners had been competing for the last four days. Now it was groomed as an oval track for chariot racing. Far off Melos had shipped three chariot teams to Elesium while Keros and Argos had brought but one apiece. Of course, Hermes 24 had his chariot in the race, though he was not driving it himself.

In addition, his son, Ares, had a chariot being run by the master mage of the House of Law and Punishment. The eighth spot was filled by a beautiful matched set of white horses entered by the master mage of Artemis's Guild in Elesium. Though best known for butchering and hunting, their mages were unequaled in the training and management of all animals, wild and domestic. Two prior races had reduced the field to four for the final contest, Hermes 24's golden chariot drawn by the four nearly-magical enhanced blacks, Lord Jason 5's browns, the Lord of Kamiros's chariot, representing Melos, pulled by black stallions from the Hook, and, in the last spot, the whites of the Artemis chariot. As he entered the long open tent with its bronze and yellow flags waving, he heard Lord Zoticuse of Kamiros being announced with his horses.

Praxis thought of Eudora, who he'd promised to return to Kamiros. She should have been at these games watching her lord's horses competing, or with Hera and Leto vying for the archery laurel wreath at the Elesian Games. Where was she right now? Praxis wondered. He should have been captivated by the beautiful Hera and Leto, once again standing with Appolonia, but all he could think about was Eudora. Having been invited by Appolonia, however, he went to greet her.

"You came," Appolonia said, welcoming him.

"How could I miss such spectacle?"

"I thought you might stay home to prepare for your final matches," she said, "but, personally, I think you made the right choice."

"I do too," he said, looking pointedly past her at Hera and Leto.

Both archers seemed to notice the direction of his gaze and put on polite smiles.

"How is it fair, though, for the other chariots to have to compete against Zeus's nearly weightless horses?"

"The other teams have had their horses enhanced temporarily at Hermes 24's expense," Apollonia said. "I still favor the King's team as do the oddsmakers." Then she smiled. "Why don't I turn these two loose on you. They must be tired, by now, of keeping me company. If one succeeds in becoming an apprentice Queen, they'll see more than enough of me in the future."

Praxis accepted his duty and wandered to the front of the plush tent with the two Elesian finalists.

"I'm sorry I missed your battle with Ajax," Leto said, "though I heard every gruesome detail afterwards. Hera and I were competing on the archery range at the time."

"Yes, it seems I am admitted to your company now as never before."

"I suppose you think that was due to Lord Jason 5's invitation this morning?"


"No," Leto said, laughing in a pleasingly friendly way that reminded him of Eudora's winning smile though not her sincerity. "Hera whispered in Apollonia's ear. Then the queen spoke to Hermes 24, and the king made a suggestion to Lord Jason 5. Then you were invited in. That was the way of it."

"Really?" Praxis said, turning to Hera.

Hera turned and was suddenly very close to him. "Just an example of the power of those you might surround yourself with," she whispered. "Tonight, though, when you are walking home alone, be sure not to be thinking about us. The favor we show to you now will not go unnoticed by the other contenders who might reward you with the point of a knife if they were as close to you as I am." She touched his ribs with the sharp nail of one finger to make her point.

Zeus 25 - PraxisWhere stories live. Discover now