23 - Elevation

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Terpsicore reminded Zeus of the exotic Leto, who now visited Hera occasionally, but Terpsicore's final smile brought back a vision of Eudora. Where had Eudora gone? Where was she now? He felt as if something had been subtracted from his life when Eudora had disappeared, and now he felt a similar tug as Terpsichore vanished.

They had never agreed on much, but Eudora's poise and skill had attracted him greatly, and something indefinable about the force of her presence. What a Queen she would have made! Just being with her had welded them into a team defeating warrah and fulfilling Izador's mission.

Zeus was attracted to Hera, but her constant manipulations were tiresome. Meals had become sessions to complain about Grand Council members and to urge Hermes 24 to suppress one Lord or elevate another. He had to admit she awakened his own passion. He had never even kissed a woman until she made it her business to educate him. Dynastic law prevented apprentice Queens from becoming a ruling Queen if she couldn't produce a son for the dynasty, and Hera wasn't about to let that happen.

Within three years of her apprenticeship, Hera had produced two children by Zeus, a boy, Ares 25, and and a girl, Eris. These children were seen at meals, but seldom at other times, being wet-nursed and raised by palace doeras. Pregnant with her third child, Hephaestus 25, Hera was too overwhelmed managing all of Atlantis through the Grand Council to excel as a mother. The upcoming elevation of Zeus 25 to the throne, signaling her own promotion from apprentice to actual queen, would not make things better.


Terpsicore reminded Zeus of the exotic Leto, who now visited Hera occasionally, but Terpsicore's final smile brought back a vision of Eudora. Where had Eudora gone? Where was she now? He felt as if something had been subtracted from his life when Eudora had disappeared, and now he felt a similar tug as Terpsichore vanished.

They had never agreed on much, but Eudora's poise and skill had attracted him greatly, and something indefinable about the force of her presence. What a Queen she would have made! Just being with her had welded them into a team defeating warrah and fulfilling Izador's mission.

Zeus was attracted to Hera, but her constant manipulations were tiresome. Meals had become sessions to complain about Grand Council members and to urge Hermes 24 to suppress one Lord or elevate another. He had to admit she awakened his own passion. He had never even kissed a woman until she made it her business to educate him. Dynastic law prevented apprentice Queens from becoming a ruling Queen if she couldn't produce a son for the dynasty, and Hera wasn't about to let that happen.

Within three years of her apprenticeship, Hera had produced two children by Zeus, a boy, Ares 25, and and a girl, Eris. These children were seen at meals, but seldom at other times, being wet-nursed and raised by palace doeras. Pregnant with her third child, Hephaestus 25, Hera was too overwhelmed managing all of Atlantis through the Grand Council to excel as a mother. The upcoming elevation of Zeus 25 to the throne, signaling her own promotion from apprentice to actual queen, would not make things better.


In the lower hallways, Zeus walked alongside Hermes as the ruler led the procession to the Throne Room. "Why did you punish Theodoros, but reward Jason 6? Shouldn't Jason 5 have been punished?"

"I would have sold Weightless spars to Jason 5 for his fleet, but then the proceeds would have found their way into my, now your, treasury. So Jason 5 didn't cause this problem, you did."

"Me?" Zeus exclaimed.

"This is my last lesson to you, but perhaps the most important. When you elevated Izador to apprentice Grand Mage of the House of Rock and Air, what did you do?"

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