27 - Touring SsKar

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In the morning, TizzleT had laid out more trays of food.

As he ate, Zeus thought about SsKar's plan to invade Gaia. He couldn't believe they were being so well treated even if the Scar needed their cooperation. Maybe Spyro had learned of weaknesses in the ssKar that Atlantis could use to turn them away when they arrived. AvoDar didn't seem interested in helping, unless sending Eudora on this mission was his big plan.

When Zeus returned from using the bathroom, Spyro was up and eating with Origen and Eudora. They were talking to TizzleT about what to see.

"Ah, Zeus," Spyro said, "I'm trying to convince them the workrooms are the key here, but they want to go outside and look around."

"It's another world," Origen said. "I want to see the two suns to really believe in it."

"And get wiped out by Gra-sssuK," Spyro chided.

TizzleT Clicked and hissed, "It is dangerous," her translator informed them. "Though LalaT has written that much of happiness involves an element of danger."

"I like this LalaT more and more," Origen said.

"What's in the workrooms that we need to see?" Eudora asked.

"Atlanteans have simple tools, but here they have a concept called machines. The closest thing in Atlantis is a Steam Titan. While Steam Titans are powered by Hot Blocks, the ssKar machines use electros that's fed inside them through fine pipes callede wires. Some of their machines are incredibly small."

"I want to see that," Zeus said. "And I want to understand how the amulet you wear speaks the meaning of those hisses and Clicks."

"That's beyond what I know, but maybe HaziKan can explain."

"Let's risk a brief look outside, visit the pool, and then see what we can learn in the workrooms," Zeus concluded, as if his authority on Atlantis extended to SsKar.

TizzleT changed the plan. "Let's visit the pool first, then I can select six younglings and give them the workoptions to guard our party when we go outside,"

"They won't be afraid?" Origen asked.

"Of course they'll be afraid. Who would not fear random death from the sky—a dishonorable death with no optionchoice at all?"

"Then why would they do it?" Origen persisted.

"We value calculated risks above all other actions," TizzleT said. "Those who succeed are promoted. Those who fail feed the egg beach."

"Is there a safe place to view the egg beach?" Zeus asked. He turned to the others. "Maybe we should see what's in store for Atlantis when the Risss arrive."

"I could arrange it," TizzleT said.

Soon they were walking through the echoing tunnels what got darker as they left the area that had been prepared for them.


The pool was much as Zeus remembered, and he was amused by Origen's reaction when he was surrounded by the large lizards springing from the water. When twenty were about them, Tizzlet Clicked for attention. "Option to guard this group onto the surface," she announced, and half the lizards slithered back into the pool. If Zeus had been in doubt about how dangerous it was to visit the surface, he no longer was.

A discussion followed that was not translated and four more lizards returned to the pool. Soon only six were left. Somehow, TizzleT had communicated with the clan, because another lizardwoman arrived with six necklaces from which translating amulets hung and passed them to the younglings.

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