quicker than expected

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Somewhere in Jack's lab, he is sitting at a table trying to create the same effect that happened to his alarm clock on a piece of metal.

"No, that wouldn't work, because then how would it be able to be pulled? That would make it too hot," he mumbled to himself, looking back over at the clock again.

"Just how is this even possible? Did someone break into my house and use magic to do it? No, I would have heard someone in my room." Jack says, picking up, glaring at the clock. After many more times and many more failures, it's now almost 5 in the afternoon, as anger starts to fill his senses.

"It's not fair. I bet if anyone else was trying to figure this out then they would have already gotten it by now. Just just" he let out a frustrated scream, slamming his fists on the desk.

Feeling like tears are about to spill, he stops when he sees the bar of metal start to shake like crazy. Looking around, nothing else seemed to shake. Calming down, it stops as he just stands there looking at it.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" He grabs his red hair. Running up to it, he picks it up.

"It must have been reacting to something but what?" He grabs a notebook, looking for what caused the reaction.

As he is distracted trying to look for what could have been the cause, he doesn't notice something walking down the stairs.

The footsteps are getting quicker and quicker. Until it's too late, Jack feels something pounce on his back.

"Please just leave my face, OK!!" He screamed, covering his face.

After a minute of just nothing, a small little bark could be heard on top of him.

"Oh hey Biscuit." Jack says in realization, as he turns around, picking up in the process a small Charles Spaniel.

" You almost gave me a heart attack buddy. Let me guess you wanna walk?" He says, giving the small dog who almost seemed to be vibrating with excitement a smile.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says quietly, putting Biscuit down.

"I really should get some fresh air as well." Jack goes to grab Biscuit leash.

While walking around the town, Jack starts to think about the metal. He can't help but feel like it reminds him of something just not being able to put his finger on.

While walking past an alleyway, Jack hears a voice way too familiar to him.

"Wuya, I challenge you to a game of tag. Your Cannon Blaster for my Eye of Dashi." The voice says in all it loudness.

"Omi?" Jack says to himself, realizing he must have forgotten to charge his wu alarm last night.

"I might as well see who wins." He mumbles, annoyed.

It's clearly just a normal showdown. Omi has the lead and Wuya is pulling out dirty tricks, though when Omi pulls out his attack wudai neptune water, Jack can't help but think about the weird thing with his clock.

Looking over to the others, he decided to ask.

"Hey Raimundo, how exactly do your powers work?" he asks, causing them to jump a little.

"I guess they didn't notice me." Jack thinks to himself.

"Holy. Don't sneak up on someone dude", Raimundo says, looking at Jack before noticing Biscuit. "Is that a dog?"

"Yes, his name is Biscuit. Can you answer my question?" He asks, looking at the monks.

"Why do you want to know partner?" Clay chimed in, looking suspiciously at Jack, the other as well.

" I'm just curious. It has been three years and I barely understand most of this." Jack says, looking over at the fight. The others look at each other trying to think about what to do until Dojo pops out of clay hat.

"Oh simply, the elements are the things that made the earth. Each one connects itself to a person every once and a while. The person who is connected to it can control said element." Dojo says, looking at his nails.

"Dojo! He's a bad guy!" Kimiko yells at Dojo.

"What, it's not like he can use the information to his advantage?!" Dojo says in defense.

"By any chance, is it slightly connected to emotions, because I noticed whenever kimiko gets mad a little bit of flame shows up sometimes?" Jack asks, getting closer to them.

Raimundo let out a sigh. "Yes, sometimes when we are feeling a really high emotion the element can activate." He says, looking over to the fight.

Jack was about to ask another question just to be interrupted by Omi winning.

Everyone quickly leaves Jack just standing there. As he sees them flying away on Dojo, guessing they are telling Omi about the conversation, Jack thinks about what they said.

"I wonder?"

Jack looks over to a trash can. Slowly lifting up his arm as he thinks.

The trash can starts to shake until it warps into a new shape.

By the end, it looks like an infinity symbol.

"Holy shit." He says, looking at his hand in shock.

"I need to get home and figure this out, come on Biscuit!" Jack yells, picking up the dog.

After he leaves, another person comes out of the shadows, the guy with black hair.

"Hm, it seems like this will be going quicker than expected?" he says, picking up the destroyed can.

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