Insert a decent title for this chapter because I can't think of one

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~In the morning~

"Let's take a break." Chase says stopping. Everyone just gives him a puzzled look.

"But what about not wasting time?" Kimiko asks, with everyone agreeing with her.

"We should rest for a minute." Chase says clearly not going to explain or back down. So everyone just does as he says. Raimundo looks over to Jack and smile

"Hey Jack want to-" "No, he has to come with me for something." Chase cuts him off , grabbing Jack by the arm and pulling him away from the path. Biscuit tries to follow them but he just puts the dog in Rai's arms.

"Hey what's that for!" Jack yells annoyed. Chase just ignores him until he decides they are far enough from everyone else.

"If you have any chance of beating Kabaneri you have to figure out how to fight." He says stepping away from Jack.

"You're acting like I have to fight them on my own." He rolls his eyes but Chase just stands there with a serious look on his face.

"Wait, you don't think I am the one going to defeat them, right?" Jack says concerned.

"An element doesn't just reappear without any purpose and for you to be the one who got the monks away from the first attack. For your powers to show up the day before Kabaneri returns. No, this is clearly part of your destiny why the world is put in your stupid hands. I don't know, I just know you are the last hope this world has. So I need to make sure you can handle it." Chase says getting in a fighting stance.

"So fight me."

~Back to everyone else~

Raimundo sits against a tree annoyed, petting biscuit Kimiko finally says something.

"What is even bothering you Rai?" She asks, a little worried.

"It's just" he stopped to think about his next words. "After that scare with Jack I started thinking about how fragile he is compared to all of us. I mean how many times could we have almost killed him. And now I just wanted to talk with him." He says, brushing a hand in his hair.

"Oh shoot, were you going to finally tell him you liked him?" Kimiko covers her mouth.

"What! how did you know!?!" He says as Clay laughs a little and Omi tries to hold back one.

"You don't really hide it well, partner." Clay says with a smile. Just for Wuya to butt in.

"I didn't know?" She answered, a little shocked at this news.

"Ok, he doesn't hide it well at the temple." Kimiko says with a wave of her hand.

"Even I figured it out!" Omi says happily as
Raimundo looks away with embarrassment. His face as red as a tomato.

"Shut up, so I like him. But we all have to agree Jack is not that strong. He could be really hurt. Hell, he probably has been really hurt." Wuya just looks down thinking as he rants. Jack is just so weak. There were so many times she wanted to tell him to quit the conflict but she couldn't do that to him. At first he was just annoying, but as a ghost she saw his life so alone, most of the time he just had that dumb dog. But something about him. He doesn't give up even when the odds are stacked against him. He keeps going even if he loses. He doesn't lose without a fight. He is just so determined, just like V was. She may be scared for him, but she knows he can handle this, especially with his new powers. He's no longer just weak and now she just has to believe in him.

"You guys have to give him more slack. He can hold his own when needed to be." She says with a smile

~Back to Jack and Chase~

Jack falls into the dirt as Chase stands over him overall okay beside having a small cut on his cheek.

"You need to become more focused spicer, you can't just run in expecting to win with your little bit of metal, you have to figure out your opponent." He says holding a ball of metal Jack threw at him, Jack getting back up think to himself. To be honest Jack actually did think with powers he would just be able to win just like that but he wouldn't tell chase that.

"Then what would you recommend? lizard butt!" Jack snaps moving his arms around. Chase just rolls his eyes.

"Well for starters use your surroundings. Metal is everywhere and nowhere, don't just rely on the obvious. Find the hidden parts." He says throwing the metal ball back to Jack starting to walk back to the others.

"That is all for now." Jack just stands there holding the ball of metal annoyed.

"Now what the fuck does that mean!" Chase doesn't explain.

~at the temple~

Katnappe just sits there annoyed listening to the ink creature talking to each other. She didn't know what she was expecting, But talking about signing a birthday card was not one of them.

"Am not getting any information on this thing." She groans as she notices that le mime is looking at her full of curiosity.
He is not in good shape, his right arm is broken and he has a burn creeping up his face. Katnappe can't help but think about the fact that this is the first time she has ever seen him without makeup.

"I managed to get one of the earrings they communicate with, I just can't get any good information to use." She says brushing some of her hair out of the way to show him.

"Have you tried asking for information?" She froze at the french voice. She slowly turns to him.

"You can talk?"

"I can, I just never really like talking to anyone here, but this is interesting." He says with a smile as if the world isn't possibly over.

"Okay rude? And How would I just ask for information,I'm pretty sure I can't just be like "hey what's going on guys?"." She glares at the mime. He just rolls his eyes and grabs the earring and says in a dumb voice.

"Hey this is Ted, what 's going on with the plan?" Katnappe just looks at him with shock.

"Oh Ted, your back?!" A voice responses

"The plan is fine, Victor almost killed the one with red hair. There is going to be an attack on the group in like an hour."

"The one with red hair, who's that again." Le mime says giving Katnappe a thumbs up As it dawns on her that it's working.

"You know the really pale one, the one he has that bad makeup."

"Jack?" Le mime whisper in shock. Katnappe just looks at him like what?

"Oh shoot, is that his name? Well I don't really understand why we need him so badly. And like we're not even allowed to capture him, We have to let him get to the weapon or whatever. But I guess his powers are just important or something. Man, I really need a day off." Le mime freeze as the inky fighter walk pass making weird bubbling noises Instead of the translated boards in his ear.

After the thing is gone Le mime says bye and takes off the earring.

"So it seems Jack is still out there and he is important in what is going on?" He says not really sure of himself.

"We're screwed aren't we." She says covering her face with her hand.

"Yeah probably but maybe we can mess with any plans they have to make sure We don't go down without a fight."

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