welcome to Cyberwave city

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In cyberwave City

Are heroes walk down one of the city's many streets. Any onlooker could see Wuya and Chase arguing about directions while the monks and Jack looked around in amazement.

"This is so cool!" Jack says in awe, his face pressed against the window of a tech shop.

As a person who looks like they would fit in an anime world walks by, they just roll their eyes mumbling, "Tourists."

"Jack get back here!" Wuya yells, realizing Jack wandered away from the group.

Stomping to him and roughly grabbing his arm.

"We gotta stick together. We don't need you getting lost and for us to look all over the city for you." Wuya pulls Jack back to the group.

Stopping, she looks at the monks. After a minute, she seemed to decide on something. 

"Clay, you keep an eye on Jack. He gets lost. That's your problem to solve." She says, shoving the goth towards the cowboy, going back to arguing with chase.

"Am just saying I grew up here, I know the place."

"Yes, but it has changed since you last came here," Chase says, rubbing his nose.

"It hasn't been that long." She replies full of confidence.

"1,500 YEARS IS LONG YOU INSOLENT WICH!" He yells, causing a lot of people and mythical creatures to look over.

The two continue to yell at each other as the others just look at them. Raimundo breaks the silence between the five.

"Pretend that we don't know them?" They all respond with their own type of yes. Slowly they all sneak away.

" Y'all think we should just go and look for the supplies ourselves?" Clay asks.

"Yeah, that does make the most sense," Kimiko says, looking around. She seemed to figure something out.

" OK, so I say we should all split up to try and find everything. In an hour we should all meet up again at that fountain." She explains as she points to the fountain in the middle of the street.

"I'll get food and water. Raimundo and Omi look to see if you can find any weapons. Clay, you get any survival tools. Jack can you give us some cache then just stay out of the way. Play with your dog or something." She brushes Jack off as he hands them all some money. Before he could say anything back she was already gone.

"Well catch up with you later." Raimundo says awkwardly, giving them finger guns as he leaves.

Jack just stands there as clay starts to walk away before stopping.

"Aren't you coming partner?" He asks looking back at Jack as he picks up biscuit.

"What why?" Jack responds giving Clay a look of confusion.

"Wuya told me to keep an eye on you and I will do just that." He says in a stoic manner.

"WuYa ToLd Me To." Jack says in a mocking tone back. He follows the cowboy dog in arms, annoyed.

Downtown at the mayor's office

Slowly Victor walks into the building looking like any other business man.

He goes up to the leprechaun who he assumes is the mayor's assistant.

"Hello, I am here for a meeting with Mr. Crossley," he says calmly.

"Sorry Mr. Crossley is very busy today and he doesn't have any meetings right now." He mumbles typing on his computer.

"Well, I assure you I have a meeting with him right now." Victor said, pulling out one of his knives so only the assistant could see it.

"Now are we going to have a problem?" He asks with an evil grin as the leprechaun looks in fear.

"No-no sir" he stuttered back to Victor as he points to where he needed to go.

"Good." Victor smiled as he walked away.

He slowly opens the door to the mayor's office.

"Who are you?" The mayor asks, looking up from his paperwork.

"You don't need to know that." He responds as he closes the door behind him.

At a random shop

Jack is standing in the middle of an aisle bored out of his mind while Clay is grabbing things.

"This is so boring. Like come on, we are in a city that is at least 100 years into the future when it comes to technology, and we are in the middle of what is practically a Walgreen." Jack says, dramatically waving his hands in the air.

Clay just ignores him. Glaring at him, Jack let out an annoyed sign.

"Of course I am stuck with the boring one." He mumbles to himself.

On a random street

Raimundo and Omi are walking down the street with a small bag of weapons. Nothing much, just some laser gun and a couple of knives.

"I really don't understand why we need more weapons. Like we already have some shen gong wu." Raimundo groans, scratching the back of his neck.

"We can never be too prepared, my friend. We should always make sure that we can deal with anything." Omi smiles happily as he runs in front of Rai.

"Yeah Yeah I know." He rolls his eyes in response as they continue to walk in silence.

All of a sudden, Raimundo stops and just stares at the display window of a toy shop.

Sitting in the middle of all these random toys. A small wind-up monkey toy that just doesn't belong with the lighted up guitars, hoverboards and all the other random little stuff that would bring joy to a kid.

Looking at it, he can't help but think of a certain goth. Omi quickly noticed that his friend was not with him. Looking around quickly, he is relieved to find him not far away.

"Raimundo, I want to know why you stop. You almost scared me a quarter to death." He is only more confused when the Brazilian doesn't say anything.

Omi looks at the monkey toy, trying to figure out what is so important. He finally gives up on trying to figure it out on his own.

"Raimundo, why are you so entranced by that money?" This time Rai answers.

"It reminds me of someone." He signs looking oddly sad. Omi seems to figure it out.

"Oh, does it reminds you of Jack because of the monkey staff?" Omi laughed as Rai give a sly smirk.

"You could say that. It actually reminds me of him because-" Raimundo is cut off by a distressed voice coming from a news reporter.

"Um, Richard. I am getting some news. Apparently, the mayor is being held captive by someone who is calling himself Victor. We will be sending the closest reporter down to get more details. But right now this is reporter Grace Mumpower checking out." She finishes.

In different parts of the city. All are heroes are getting the news.

Jack looks at the TV, realizing they are right across from the mayor's office.


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