Part 4

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"Please, do not bow to me. I am not deserving of that, for I am just another person like you. If anything, I should be bowing to you as you are Theodens heir." I said to him as I gave him a quick curtsey, Eowyn laughing softly behind me.

"You are very perceptive, aren't you? Not many outside of Rohan are aware that I am the heir." Eomer responded to me, coming one step closer.

"I am also well are that you are the leader of the Rohirrim. Your name has come through many kingdoms, horsemaster."

Eomer raised his eyebrows at me, giving me a look of disapproval as the words exited my mouth. I knew from my brothers that the Rohirrim didn't like being called horse masters, and so I thought I would take my chances at getting under his skin. After all, Eowyn told me to not allow him to intimidate me, so I had to assert dominance early on. His face slowly turned into a smile, as my eyes were still connected to his, not backing down.

"You truly live up to what they say about you, my lady." Eomer stated as he slowly turned and walked away.

Eowyn was quickly at my side, her hand resting on my shoulder. I looked her in the eyes, seeing her light up with amusement at what just took place.

"I wasn't expecting that, that's for sure. My brother is usually way more defensive than that." Eowyn said with a soft laugh.

"What can I say, I have that effect on people." I replied with a smile.

"Daedra, Aragorn will be here tomorrow evening. It is best if you make sure to get some rest. I had your closet filled with dresses and other clothing that you may want." Theoden said to me sweetly as he walked down the stairs and stood in front of me.

"Thank you, my lord. It truly does mean a lot to me." I said to him as I bowed slightly.

Eowyn and I walked back to my designated bedroom, both of us sitting on the edge of my bed. She walked to the closet that was freshly filled with clothing for me, and pulled out a white night dress made of silk for me to change into. I pulled my boots off and set them near my bedside, and quickly changed into the night dress. Eowyn unbraided my hair, and brushed through it for me gently, careful to make sure all of the knots were out before I laid down to rest for the night.

"Thank you, Eowyn." I said to her as she made her way to my door to exit for the night.

"You are welcome, my lady. It is nice to finally have a friend." She responded as she exited and closed the door behind her.

I laid on my bed, my head hitting a soft pillow and a warm fluffy blanket wrapped around me, looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. Thoughts were rampaging through my mind at what I would say to my brother when I meet him for the first time, what he would look like, would he even know who I am. As my thoughts were running through my mind, I slowly closed my eyes trying to calm myself and soon drifted off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to the sunlight peaking through the window and shining upon my face. I slowly stretched and sat up in the bed, slowly swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I let out a long yawn before getting up and making my way to the wardrobe filled with dresses. I hadn't slept that comfortably since I was a small child, my bed back in Gondor was small and very hard. I'm sure a bed of straw would have felt better than what I was given. I picked out a soft pink dress, the sleeves tight on the tops of my arms and then flaring out at the bottom near my wrists, a golden embroidered belt at my waist, and an embroidered neckline. I walked to the vanity, brushing my hair and pulling it back in braids at the side to keep it out of my face. I slipped on a pair of gold shoes and made my way to the dining hall to meet with Theoden. As I entered, Eowyn was quickly to my side and walking with me to a table to eat breakfast. As we sat and ate together, I heard footsteps entering the hall, and looked up to meet the green eyed gaze of Eomer looking back at me from across the hall. He smiled at me softly, causing my cheeks to flush red, he lowered his head slightly in a bow in acknowledgement of my presence. Eowyn quickly giggled in front of me, giving me a questioning look.

"What is making you turn so pink?" She asked me softly.

"I'm just a little hot is all. It is quite warm outside today isn't it?" I answered her, quickly changing the subject.

"If you say so, Daedra."

We finished eating, and Eowyn took me outside to walk down the path that had mounds covered in beautiful white flowers growing on top of them. As we walked, I was in awe at the beautiful flowers growing on the large mounds, but was also curious as to what the mounds actually were. Before I could ask her, she opened her mouth and began speaking to me.

"These flowers, simbelmyne, grows on the graves of the kings. Each mound you see is a past king that has passed on and is buried on this land. Theodred, the kings only son, is buried here. He died young but the king still wanted him buried among kings. That is how my brother became heir to the throne, and has been for many years now. Some day my uncle will also be buried here among all of his ancestors, and finally at rest with his son." Eowyn told me, trying to hold the tears back in her eyes.

"Eowyn, I'm so sorry for all of the loss you have endured. I can only imagine how hard this all is for you." I told her as I pulled her into a soft hug.

"Oh, it is quite alright. Loss is a part of life, and everyone has to go through it."

I looked at her, a soft and understanding smile upon my face, as we both heard hooves hitting the ground as they were heading towards Edoras. I looked at her with excitement and nervousness, and in a flash we both were running towards the hall. We entered, Eowyn ahead of me, seeing a man with dark brown shoulder length hair, his back to us, standing in front of Theoden. My heart began to beat rapidly, still trying to go over what I was going to say to him considering I had never met him before. The man turned around looking me in the eyes and smiling brightly before pulling me into a hug.

"How happy I am that you are alive, Daedra." Aragorn said to me as he held me close.

"How happy I am that you exist. I wasn't aware of you until yesterday, and have been going over this moment in my mind ever since, but I have to say this is the best outcome." I softly responded to him, hugging him back.

"You were just a baby the last time I saw you, and I was afraid Denethor would have killed you by now. I am the one that left you on his doorstep. I was a young man with no idea how to raise a child on my own and I did what I thought would be best for you, and I couldn't regret that decision more than I do now."

"You are here now, and that's truly what matters. Thank you for coming back for me."

"I promise to never leave you again."

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