Part 19

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"You have seriously got to calm down. You are making me want to pace with your dramatics." Eowyn said from behind me as she entered my room.

I glanced to the corner of the room, seeing my beautiful wedding dress hanging from the wardrobe, my hair still not done, and the lace night gown still upon my body. One hour. In one hour I was to be wed to Eomer. My head was spinning, the nerves within my stomach causing me to feel as though I was going to vomit. I began to twirl the ring on my finger, looking to the floor to avoid Eowyn's gaze as she walked to me and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Daedra, all will be well. If it makes you feel any better, Eomer is just as much of a wreck as you are at this moment. He has snapped at three of the men helping him, and cannot sit still for longer than a minute or two at a time. Come, sit down and let me do your hair." Eowyn said to me as she helped me to my vanity and said me down on the stool big enough for two, grabbing the brush and beginning to brush through my tangled long hair.

"I never thought this day would come for me. Marrying for love and not being forced. I never thought a man could love me." I said softly as Eowyn set down the brush and began to braid the top half of my hair. She began pining it in certain spots perfectly to allow some of it to cascade down my back and some around my face. She intricately placed small red flowers through out before grabbing the tiara and setting it atop my head, "Eomer is perfect in every way, how in the world did he fall for me of all people? How do I know he wont change his mind last minute and run far away?"

"Oh for goodness sakes! You and your negativity! Would you knock it off? Between the two of you I don't know which one is more idiotic, he is saying the same exact things about you. Now, would you please be positive about this? This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, no tears allowed or negative thoughts. Now, let us get you in your dress, yes?"

I smiled at her as I stood up from the vanity and walked to the beautiful dress in the corner of my room. I shrugged off the night gown, and with Eowyn's help stepped into the gown, pulling the sleeves upon my arms as Eowyn tightened the corset behind me. She picked up the matching veil and pinned it to my hair so it cascaded down my back and onto the floor. I looked to the mirror, seeing my reflection and was in awe at how gorgeous I actually looked. My lips were painted red, my eyes standing out with the little makeup Eowyn had placed on my eye lashes.

"We can't forget the shoes!" Eowyn said as she scurried to the other side of the room, grabbing the shimmering red slippers I was to wear and helping put them on my feet, because the gods know I wouldn't have been able to put them on myself while in this dress.

"Wait, Eowyn. You aren't in your gown yet!" I said to her in a panic.

"Relax. I am leaving now to go put it on." She said to me as she began walking to my door.

"Will you need assistance?"

"Don't you worry, there's someone waiting in my room to help me."

She gave me a not so subtle wink and smile as she exited and tightly closed the door behind her. I immediately knew who she was speaking of. Ever since my brother, Faramir, had shown up the two of them have become rather close. I have even caught them sneaking a kiss here and there. I shook my head at the thought of the two of them together, hearing a soft knocking at my door. As I opened it just a crack, I saw the back of none other than my betrothed standing in my doorway.

"Eomer! What are you doing here? You know you cannot see me before we are wed!" I said to him as I began to shut the door and hide behind it.

"That is why I am facing the other direction. I needed to hear your voice, Daedra. I needed to tell you how much I love you and cannot wait to see you walk down the isle. I was terrified you had changed your mind, and in order to bring my mind out of those negative thoughts I had to come to you." Eomer softly said his head dipping to look at the ground.

From the way he was standing, I could see he was clad in a black velvet tunic, lined with red and gold, red beads littered throughout the braids in his hair, black pants and shining black leather boots. I giggled at him before opening the door and walking to touch his shoulder from behind.

"I could never change my mind, Eomer. I love you endlessly." I said to him as I placed a soft kiss upon the back of his neck.

Before he could turn around and potentially see me, I retreated back to my room and shut the door tightly. As much as I wanted to pull him into my room and tear the clothes off of him, he would have to wait until after we were wed. I heard his footsteps retreat back down the hall, and a few moments later another knock sounded at my door.

"Eomer, you cannot see me before the wedding!" I said exasperated as I opened the door once more.

"Don't worry sister, I ushered him away. It is time, are you ready?" Aragorn said to me as he stuck his arm out to me.

I took in his clothing, the red tunic lined in black, the exact opposite of Eomer, black pants and black boots. His sword still tied to his waist, his dark brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail. I placed my hand in the crease of his elbow, exiting my room as Eowyn rushed to me to hand me a bouquet of the most beautiful red and black flowers I had ever seen.

"Can't forget this!" She said as she grabbed Faramir's arm, who was wearing the same outfit as Aragorn, and rushed down the hall to the entrance of the gardens where Eomer and I were to say I do.

"You okay, Daedra?" Aragorn said softly beside me.

"Yes. Just nervous." I responded as I tried to keep my nerves hidden deep within my stomach. Thank the gods I didn't eat breakfast.

Aragorn softly chuckled next to me, placing his free hand on the hand I had placed in the crease of his elbow and gripping my fingers tightly to reassure me. I took a deep breath as the doors opened and Eowyn began walking down the isle accompanied by Faramir. My heart began to race in my chest, the feeling of it about to explode as the doors began to creak open once more. I looked up from where my eyes were glued to the floor, meeting the gaze of Eomer as he took all of me in. A smile spread quickly across his face as everyone seated in the gardens stood from their chairs and faced me. I kept my eyes locked on him, pretending he was the only one in the room as Aragorn began leading me down the isle. Tears were slowly falling down his cheeks, lifting one of his hands he quickly wiped them away as Aragorn took my hand and placed it within Eomer's. Eowyn grabbed my bouquet from me, a broad smile plastered across her face.

"Take care of my little sister, Eomer." Aragorn said so only the two of us could hear him.

"Forever and always." Eomer said sincerely as he led me to the front of the podium that the man who was marrying us was standing.

I got lost in Eomer's eyes through out the entirety of the ceremony, only coming out of my trance when I was to repeat what the man said, and when I had to place the black and red ring upon Eomer's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride." I heard the man say to the two of us.

Eomer's face lit up with pure joy as he gripped the sides of my face and pulled me into a passionate kiss, causing my body to melt into him as I heard the applause of all of the people.

"Wait! There is one other thing that must be announced on this day." I heard Theoden say from Eomer's side.

Eomer and I pulled away and faced him as he stood next to the priest. Faramir picked up a pillow with a crown atop it and Eowyn followed suit with a crown of her own. I looked to Eomer as if asking if he know what was occurring, but his face was showing just as much shock as my own.

"Not only are they now husband and wife. But I know present to you the King and Queen of Rohan!" Theoden boomed across the gardens and Faramir placed the golden crown upon Eomer's head and Eowyn placed the golden and ruby crown atop mine after gently removing the tiara.

Eomer looked to me once more, pulling me into a soft kiss as we turned and faced the many people present, smiling at one another.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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