Part 6

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The man who shouted out ran to the front of the hall to stand amongst Theoden, Eowyn and myself. My brother came running up behind him to hear what was going on. The man had hair that went just past his ears that was black in color and very greasy. His blue eyes were clouded over, and his teeth were very yellow and beginning to rot out of his mouth. His clothing was also dark in color, and old and faded.

"Grima! How did you come about this information?" Theoden asked the man as he stood in front of him.

"Ring-wraiths and Nazgûl's are plaguing this land. They have been spotted in many corners of middle earth, especially the shire where the hobbits reside. Lord Elrond of Rivendell is holding a council about the ring." The man known as Grima responded to Theoden.

"The ring must be destroyed, and I can only hope that Lord Elrond agrees on the matter."

Theoden began pacing back and forth in the hall, contemplating his next actions. I stood and watched as Aragorn stepped up in front of him and began speaking quietly so none of us could hear.

"You're sure of this?" Theoden asked him, a concerning look upon his face.

"I am sure. It is something that needs done, and I will see to it." Aragorn responded with a reassuring nod.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I walked to the both of them, wedging my way inbetween them.

"I am going to the council in Rivendell. I will join the journey in destroying the ring." Aragorn responded to me, looking to the ground to avoid my gaze.

"I just got you back and now you are leaving once again?"

"This is something I must do, Daedra. You will be safe here among Theoden and his men. Eowyn has become a fast friend to you, so you will have someone to spend your time with. I promise, I will be back as soon as I can."

He pulled me into a tight hug, trying to reassure me and calm my emotions about him leaving me again. He just promised this morning that he would never leave me again, and yet here he is abandoning me for this quest. I hugged him a little tighter, not knowing if when he left he would ever return. I had grown quite close with him the past few weeks since I had arrived in Edoras, and I didn't want to lose the only family I had left.

"I am sorry that I am having to leave you again after promising I never would, but the ring is dangerous and it must be destroyed." Aragorn softly said to me as he pulled away from the hug and looked me deeply in the eyes.

"I understand. I just hope you return." I responded, holding back the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes.

Grima was still at Theodens side, almost as if he was overly protective of him even though in the last few weeks that I had resided here, I had never seen him. I was often outdoors walking, or riding my horse conversing with the townsfolk but this man had never made his presence known until now, and to me that seemed awfully suspicious. I turned around to question him when the hall doors bursted open once more, revealing a blood covered Eomer walking through to speak with his uncle. He quickly walked up to us, giving Grima a scowl, and began to speak.

"The orcs have been pushed back from these lands for now, but they will soon return. We saw camps at the edge of the forest, almost as if they recently were there." Eomer spoke looking into his uncles face.

"Why would orcs want to come to Edoras?" Grima questioned, stepping out from next to Theoden.

"I find it awfully suspicious that you have never made an appearance in this town until now. Where is it you have come from, Grima?" I spoke up and said, questioning the man that seemed to be here for one sole purpose that didn't seem like a good one.

"I am from Edoras, my lady. I was born and raised here, so I am not sure where you are getting that I have never been here before." Grima responded to me with a smirk on his face.

"I have traveled the streets of this town and have never seen you, yet when the One Ring is found you appear to exclaim of its discovery. Is there some other purpose you decided to make your presence known now?"

"I beg your pardon, my lady. I was just trying to warn my king of the evil that has been discovered."

Grima took a step closer to me, making me very uncomfortable and making Eomer step in.

"Daedra was just defending her king like you are, Grima. Do not cause problems where there is none." Eomer said as he grabbed Grima's upper arm and gently pulled him back from me.

I broke eye contact with Grima, only to look into the green eyes of Eomer as he pulled the man away from me. I quickly turned and walked back to my room, Eowyn close behind me. I sat down in the chair in the corner of my room that I had placed in front of my window so I could look out, awaiting Eowyn to scold me for acting the way that I did, but instead her soft voice spoke through out my room in agreement.

"Grima makes me very uncomfortable, and something just doesn't seem right with him." She told me softly as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"He is here for some other purpose than to warn Theoden, and I worry what is going to happen to Edoras." I responded, looking to her with a worry filled face.

"Whatever it is, we will get through this and uncle will see through whatever trouble he is trying to bring upon us."

"I hope you are right, Eowyn."

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