Part 12

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"Uncle, we haven't discussed when to hold the ceremony, we only became engaged moments ago." Eomer told Theoden with a soft chuckle behind his voice.

"Well, as soon as you figure it out I would like to be the first to know. Considering, you are a prince it will be a wedding of the century." Theoden said, slapping a hand on Eomer's shoulder with a wide grin upon his face.

"You know we will tell you first, Theoden." I said with a smile and a curtsy to him before feeling Eomer gently grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

As we walked through the throne room, our hands intertwined and my hand on his bicep holding him close, Eowyn rushed to us with a smile spreading fast across her face. She pulled me into a tight embrace, pulling my hands away from Eomer, and forcing me to hug her tightly back.

"Finally, a sister!" Eowyn exclaimed as she began to jump up and down while we were hugging, causing a laugh to escape my lips and Eomer to lovingly smile at the both of us.

As we pulled apart from each other, both of us smiling, the doors to the throne room burst open, my brother rushing through.

"Aragorn? What is it? What has happened?" Theoden said as he walked down from the throne to greet my clearly shaken brother.

"Saruman is emptying his lands of all troops. They march forward to Rohan, we must prepare for battle." Aragorn said, breathlessly as if he just ran a mile straight to us.

"No, we must go to helms deep. It is our only hope of survival." Theoden said, looking around the room at all of the men who were not prepared for battle.

"Helms deep! We should be standing and fighting, not running away!" I heard Gandalf exclaim from behind Aragorn, his anger showing through his face.

"I will ride to the other cities, round up as many men as I can." Eomer said from behind me, causing me to turn and look to him with worry.

"Then I will go with you." I said to him, my brows furrowed and my heart racing at the thought of losing him.

"No, ride with my uncle and Eowyn. The people need you with them, I will take the Rohirrim and gather as many troops as we need."

"Eomer, please."

I turned to face him, tears beginning to stream down my face, my hands resting on his chest as if to beg him to allow me to accompany him. His eyes looked down upon me with sadness as he softly placed his forehead against mine.

"Daedra, I cannot allow you to come with me. The people need you, I need you. I cannot bear anything to happen to you so please, go with Eowyn and my uncle to Helms deep to seek refuge." Eomer softly said to me before placing a soft and loving kiss upon my lips.

"I will keep her safe, Eomer." Aragorn said as he placed a hand upon his shoulder.

"Eomer.." I started before he quickly kissed me and walked out the door to head to the stables.

"Daedra, you must let him go. He will come back to you." Aragorn said to me, his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"Do you know this for certain? It is bad enough I found out someone close to me was sent to Rivendell to join the fellowship, not knowing if he would live or die, and now the man I love is leaving and there is no certainty that he will return." I replied harshly, tears filling my eyes.

"Who was it that joined the fellowship that you are speaking of?"


Aragorn's face dropped, regret and sorrow filling it. Telling me all I needed to know.

"Is he dead, brother?" I asked, almost a whisper.

"He died saving two little hobbits from the orcs. He died a hero." Aragorn responded to me, showing me the bracers he had on his forearms, the ones that belonged to Boromir.

Tears began flooding my face, my heart feeling as though it was being ripped right out of my chest as I collapsed to my knees, the coldness of the hard ground rushing through me. Sobs were escaping my mouth as I gripped onto the necklace hanging around my neck, clutching the only thing I had of Eomer. Aragorn helped me to my feet, holding me against his chest as he comforted my loud cries at learning Boromir was dead. After a few moments of crying into him, I pushed away and ran out the door, hoping to catch Eomer at the stables before he left, wanting to talk him out of going. But as I began my descend down the stairs, I looked up to see his blonde hair in the wind as he turned his horse to look at me one last time, blowing me a kiss before leading the Rohirrim to the hills. My breath hitching in my throat as our eyes met, the sadness and despair within my chest weighing me down as those terror filled tears began streaming down my face once again. I wanted to run to him, wrap my arms around his strong torso once more, this time never letting go, never letting him leave me like he was. My eyes burned from the tears, my fingers still curled around the necklace, holding tight to the only thing I possessed of him. My heart was beating rapidly within my chest, my knees becoming weaker by the minute, and those tears never stopping their endless flow down my cheeks. I heard soft footsteps approach from behind, the soft crunching of the dirt and rocks beneath their feet. I slightly turned my head to be greeted with a set of beautiful green eyes that reminded me so much of Eomer's.

"Daedra, we must go." I heard Eowyn's soft voice behind me, urging me to get my things ready to leave for Helms Deep.

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