Part 7

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The next morning my brother was set out to depart from Edoras and head to Rivendell for the council meeting, causing me to wake up in a worry. I quickly dressed in a lavender dress and walked to the hall to see him off. As I entered, Eomer and Eowyn were by the throne instead of Theoden which caused me to fill with worry. I quickly walked up to her to figure out what was going on or what exactly had happened.

"Where is the king?" I softly asked her as people began filing into the hall to bid farewell to those traveling to Rivendell.

"He has gotten really sick over night. He is in his chambers resting, so Eomer and I take over until he is well enough to return to the throne." Eowyn answered me in a whisper.

My eyes wandered from hers to looking in the direction of Eomer, hoping to not make eye contact so he wouldn't catch me looking, but our eyes met nonetheless. He had on a red and gold tunic, brown pants with his riding boots, and his shoulder length blonde hair was in braids on the sides to keep it out of his face. His mustache and beard that I had never truly paid much attention to before, now looked more shaped to his face. He looked very regal standing before the throne in place of his uncle, and I had to say I was immediately attracted to him, feeling a flittering sensation inside my stomach. As he smirked at me, I quickly averted my gaze to the crowd of people in front of us. I heard him let out a soft chuckle, clearly taking notice of my flustered state, before speaking to those in front of us.

"Today Aragorn and three of my riders are to set for Rivendell to be a part of the council to destroy the One Ring. He is to be joined by Elves, Dwarves, hobbits and the men of Gondor. We wish him luck, and safe travels as he leaves for this most important quest." Eomer boomed over the crowd of people, but my thoughts couldn't help but linger on who the men of Gondor he was speaking of were.

My mind began racing, thinking Denethor had sent Faramir on a death mission, and I feared for his safety. I know he wasn't the brother I thought he was, but he helped to raise me nonetheless and was still my family. As tears began to well in my eyes, I quickly stepped away from the hall and made my way outside. I stood on the stairs, taking in the wind that was gently blowing and the coldness of the fall air when I felt a hand softly rest on my shoulder. I turned, expecting to see Eowyn standing behind me, but instead was quite shocked to see Eomer. His green eyes were filled with sorrow and concern and he took one step closer to me, looking deep within my eyes.

"I did not want to say names of those from Gondor that would be going because I knew how close you were with the Stewards sons. But if you truly want to know who is going I will tell you their name." Eomer softly said as I fully turned around to face him, tears beginning to softly fall down my cheeks.

"I would like to know. Denethor sent Faramir away so many times, I fear this is his final journey and I will be losing two brothers. Please, tell me who is going to be going on this journey, for I cannot bear to be left in the dark." I responded to him, trying to prevent the tears from spewing harder out of my eyes.

"Faramir is not the one that was chosen to go on this journey, Boromir was."

"Boromir? Why is it that Denethor wants to kill of his children so badly?"

"Boromir is the more formidable warrior, and Denethor wants the ring taken back to Gondor in order to use its power against Mordor."

"No one can wield that ring but Sauron himself. Surely Boromir is aware of this and doesn't agree to return the ring to Gondor."

Eomer wouldn't say another word, only gave me a small shake of his head. Boromir intended to fulfill his fathers wishes and return the ring to him. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought Boromir had some wits about him, but clearly that was not the case. As Eomer and I were standing outside talking, I saw Aragorn and Eowyn walk out of the hall together, immediately making their way towards us. Aragorn walked to my side, putting an arm around my shoulders to pull me into a side hug. I leaned into him as I wrapped an arm around his waist to hug him back.

"I will be back, Daedra. I promise you this." He said to me, understanding that I was overtaken with worry for him as he was leaving me behind once more.

"You had better return to me, brother." I responded with a smile and a jab at his chest.

"I will look after her while you are gone, my lord." Eomer said to him with a smile, then turned to me and gave me the same sweet smirk I saw earlier in the hall as he stood before the throne.

"Not too good of care, Eomer. Just keep her safe." Aragorn responded sternly.

Eomer nodded in agreement to him before walking with his sister back into the hall so I could say my goodbyes to Aragorn.

As it was time for Aragorn and his accompaniment to leave for Rivendell, I walked with them to the stables along with Eomer and Eowyn to see them off. He once again pulled me into a tight hug, reassuring me that he would return. Eomer and Eowyn stood on each side of me as my brother mounted his horse and rode off into the distance. I held back my tears and held my head high as I watched him disappear and made my way back into the great hall.

"You know, he will be alright Daedra. You need not worry about Aragorn he can handle himself out there." Eowyn said to me softly as she came and sat next to me on the bench.

"I am sure that he can, but I just got him back in my life and do not wish to have him leave it again. Boromir, one of the men I thought to be my brother all these years, has also been tasked with this mission. Though, I fear it is to use it instead of destroy it." I responded to her, continuing to look at the ground.

"Aragorn won't let that happen. He is too good of a man to see that the rings power be used in such a way."

"You have grown fond of him, haven't you?"

"You mean in the way that you have grown fond of Eomer?"

It felt as though my heart stopped. She must have caught me catching glimpses at him frequently, and the smiles he would always give me once our eyes met. My face began to burn as though a flame was being held to it, and I snapped my head to look her in the face.

"I do not know what you are referring to, Eowyn." I told her sharply.

She let out a soft chuckle, "Please, Daedra. You think I haven't caught the way you look at him? Or the way he looks at you for that matter? You two can barely keep your eyes away from one another, and I am quite surprised that has been as far as it has went thus far."

"What ever do you mean, Eowyn? Speak plainly."

"My brother has been quite intrigued by you, Daedra. I have never seen him act this way towards a woman our entire lives. And relax. I am not mad at you for it, I just want the both of you to be happy in the end."

I smiled at her, knowing what she meant by her statement, and quickly was to my feet and heading to my room to retire for the night. I had a strange feeling that something evil was lurking in the darkness of Edoras, and It was about to make its appearance.

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