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"What just happened?" Smith muttered to himself, looking at the mirror with surprise. "What's a horcrux? What did Reggie mean?"

Smith was currently seated on his bed, far away from Regulus, London and Death Eaters. He was currently visiting his cousins, Petunia and Lily, whom he loved dearly, and his aunt and uncle, whom he clearly despised.

"Which cave was Kreacher talking about?" Smith wondered. "Oh my goodness," he shrieked as it dawned on him. "Reggie is going to get himself killed!"

Smith jumped up, and started pacing, his thoughts running at the speed of a bullet train

The horcrux, the cave, the declaration Reggie made of finding a chink in You Know Who's armour. That idiot's found a way to defeat that bastard!

I have to follow him, Smith decided.  But first I'll have to contract Adelaide.

He quickly rushed to the two way mirror, through which he had received the dreadful news, and said Adelaide's name.



He tried again. "Adelaide."

Again nothing.

"I can't wait anymore," he muttered, frustrated. "I'll have to go alone."

Quickly, he imagined Regulus, hoping the spell would lead him to wherever that idiot friend of his was.

A Universe In Which Everything Goes Downhill

"Run Hermione!" Ron yelled over his shoulder, flinging himself in front of Harry.

"No Ron, we can't leave you to die!" Hermione exclaimed, severing Bellatrix's hand.

The three of them were currently in the Dean forest, and had just rescued Slytherin's locket from Dolores Umbridge. The Death Eaters had somehow tracked them, and were currently battling.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry cried, trying to keep Ron upright, as his Splinched arm was bleeded profusely.

"Harry, Hermione, take this," Ron gasped, passing a locket to Harry. "Dumbledore told me to give it to you when everything is lost."

Just then, a strangling hex hit Ron. As soon as that happened, Ron pressed a button, and a loud explosion ringed in their ears. The Death Eaters were blown to bits, and Harry and Hermione hit their head on a rock, blacking out.

A Universe In Which All Die

"Teddy," Harry gave an anguished cry. "Run!"

A nineteen year old Teddy Lupin was currently enjoying a wonderful Christmas dinner with his Godfather, Harry Potter and his family. All was well but suddenly, an explosion came from the kitchen. When they'd reached, they saw Ginny on the floor, dead, and a dozen of cloaked shadows waiting for them.

"Edward Lupin," one had rasped. "We had looked for you long, and now we have you."

"Merlin, it's happening," Harry had muttered under his breath. "Leave him alone," Harry declared to the shadows.

"Harry," Teddy had asked wildly, "what the hell is happening?"

Harry just gestured to him to move, not even reprimanding Teddy for swearing.

Teddy had run away, but soon yells had come from the floor above. Bodies of Harry's sons and daughter ripped down the stairs, lifeless.

Teddy gave a blood curling scream, causing Harry to come in quickly. As soon as he saw the bodies, he paled.

"Curse you Dumbledore," he muttered, handing Teddy a necklace from his pocket. "Press the middle button, now!"

He pressed the button, and simultaneously a jet of green light hit Harry, and he dropped down, dead.

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