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"Why would Dumbledore want to meet us? He can't know anything about this," Fleamont asked as the Patronus dissolved into smoke.

"I hope he doesn't, it'll be tough concealing this from him," Euphemia said.

"Do you think we should continue Orion?" Fleamont asked his friend.

"It would be--prudent, to call off the mission, but we cannot afford to lose time. We shall set out as planned. But first we'll need to clear Dumbledore's doubts," Orion answered, gazing into the fire thoughtfully.

"Fine," he answered, stifling a yawn. "How 'bout we just sleep, and think about this tomorrow?"

Euphemia and Orion nodded, heading off to their rooms at one.

"Oi! Wait for me at least," Fleamont shouted after them.


"Hey Reggie," Smith said softly, careful not to alert Hermione and Sirius, who were packing with them. "What happened at the cave? How did you get into the water?"

Regulus swallowed harshly, but managed to choke out an answer. "I'll tell you later."

Smith glanced towards Hermione and Sirius, who were packing their bags. Sirius was trying to flirt with her, while she stuffed her bag with books.

"Will you cut that out," Hermione hissed, fed up of Sirius's flirting.

"Of course kitten, but only if you give me a kiss," Sirius shot her a cheeky wink, but quickly exited the room when Hermione raised her wand.

Regulus snorted, watching his brother run away with poorly concealed amusement. Hermione glared at him.

"What?" he asked, resuming packing.

"Why don't you make up with your brother?" Hermione asked.

Smith sucked in a sharp breath. He'd had the 'audacity' to ask the same question a few weeks after they'd met, but was turned down quite meanly by a sneering Regulus.

"None of your business," Regulus's voice was as cold as ice, but at least this time there was no sneering comment about blood status and whatnot. At least that's an improvement, Smith thought wryly.

Hermione huffed a bit, biting back a snarky reply. Honestly, she thought, he should. Or else the tension between them would ruin the plan.

Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but Regulus had walked out of the room, declaring he was tired and needed sleep.

Hermione huffed again. "How did both of you become friends?"

"Through a mutual friend," was the reply she got.

"I don't think I caught your name. I'm Hermione Granger, you?" she offered her hand in handshake.

Smith shook it, smiling. "I'm Smith."

"Well that can't be your full name. Who in their right mind name their child Smith?" Hermione asked.

"No-one's ever asked me that before," Smith said a bit sadly. "I was christened Asher James Smith, by my absolutely vain father. Before I spill my life story to you, I'll just tell you to call me Smith, and that Reggie isn't always like this. Well, almost always," he adds with a bit of reflection. "He'll warm up to you, but don't go around asking personal questions."

"I do not go around asking personal questions!" Hermione exclaimed, quite miffed.

"You're the only one who inquired about my name," Smith pointed out. "I better go after Reggie, or else he'd start packing his entire bloody library. See you Hermione."

With that Smith departed.

"Why does he seem so familiar?" Hermione mused, straining her memory. Then it hit her. Her friend (ahem, crush, ahem) had the same lopsided smile as this man, was a metamorphangus, both had the same sloped nose, and the same blue eyes.

Wait, so he's the Asher James Smith? Hermione thought. She had heard a lot about Quinn's father from him, but never thought they'll meet. Especially after he told her that his father was killed when he was 13.

"I'll have to confront him about this," Hermione sighed. She knew she couldn't let Smith die again. She owed her friend at least this much.

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