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All 11 of them were now seated in the drawing room, squished together.

"You should start explaining time travellers, if that is what you really are," Fleamont said, still not lowering his wand.

"They are Fleamont, did you read my letter properly?" Orion asked, staring at Sirius.

Fleamont nodded his head. "Of course I did! I read till your signature."

"Did you read the other side?" Orion asked, his eyes still fixed on Sirius.

"There was a other side?" Fleamont asked indignantly.

Harry cleared his throat slightly, causing everyone to focus on him. Even Orion tore his eyes off Sirius.

"It was 1997 back then, before we came here," Harry offered. "Now it's?"

"1976," Regulus offered, standing quietly at a corner.

"1997!" Smith's eyes were as round as galleons.

"Regulus, do you have the locket?" Orion asked abruptly, now staring at Harry. The latter frowned.

"No," he realised, frantic. "I left it at the cave. I'll be back in a few minutes." Orion nodded, but Smith protested. "I'm not letting you go alone and get yourself killed."

Regulus rolled his eyes, but allowed Smith to accompany him. They then apparated with a loud crack.

Harry spoke up. "Will you stop staring?" This was directed towards Orion.

"Lily Evans and James Potter are your parents right?" Orion asked out of the blue. Harry blushed.

Harry nodded slightly.

James crowed happily, "I marry Lily, Padfoot! We have a child!"

Euphemia was overjoyed. "We have a grandchild Monty! How wonderful!" She rushed over to envelop Harry in a huge hug.

As soon as Euphemia released him, he asked Orion, "How do you know?"

"Your face says everything," Orion pointed out as if it was a regular occurance.

"He," Orion jerked his head towards Teddy. "Is the child of a Lupin and a Black."

Teddy was quite alarmed. "Haw do you know? My mother wasn't a Black, but my Grandma was."

"Your face says it all," Orion repeated. "And she," he now motioned towards Hermione. "Is a muggleborn."

Hermione stood defiantly, waiting for him to throw some slur, but none came.

This did not go unnoticed by any of the occupants of the room.

"When are you from?" James asked Teddy, trying to diffuse the awkward silence.

"2016," Teddy answered. He was trying to stare at his father inconspicuously, but failed as Remus shot him a sharp glare.

"Who's your father?" James asked. It was clear he hadn't been listening to Orion.

"It's...." Teddy just pointed.

Sirius crackled. "Our little moony has a child!"

"Shut up," he grumbled. "Are you really my child?" he asked Teddy disbelievingly. "who's the mother?"

"Uh, she's," he shot a nervous look in Sirius's direction. "Nymphadora Tonks."

"Tonks?" Sirius screeched, glaring at Remus. "Mate, you married my cousin, who's 15 years younger than you?"

"I don't know," he mumbled, cheeks red. "I haven't yet."

"Can we come back to the topic," Harry intervened.

All nodded. "Good," Harry exhaled. "Mione, you continue."

"Well, I think everyone present knows what a prophecy is," Hermione started earning nods from all the occupants. "Well, a few years from now, a prophecy will be made, stating that Harry is the Chosen One, the one to finish Voldemort. He learns only half the prophecy, and goes to Godric Hallow to eliminate Harry. He kills James, Lily sacrificed her life for Harry. The killing curse on Harry rebounds and Voldemort is finished, for a little while.

"A lot of stuff happens at Hogwarts, but the main part happens in our seventh year. I assume all know what a horcrux is?" A few nod, including Orion, Sirius and Fleamont, but the rest were lost.

"What's a horcrux?" Remus asked.

"It's a dark object inside which a part of your soul can be stored," this time Orion answered.

"You need to commit a heinous crime for that. A murder to split your soul," Fleamont continued, disgusted.

"Yeah, so Voldemort had made 7 in our time, but now he only has 5 horcruxes, out of which one is is Regulus Black's possession," Hermione ended.

Everyone was appalled.

"He split his soul 5 time?" Teddy said incredulously.

"What are they?" Sirius asked.

"Hufflepuff's cup, in the Lestrange vault; Ravenclaw's diadem, Hogwarts; Slytherin's locket, with us; a diary, currently in possession of Lucius Malfoy and the Gaunt Ring, hidden in the Gaunt Shack, Little Hangleton," Hermione informed them.

"I knew he was bonkers," James said. "Making a horcrux...bloody hell."

"So to kill him, we have to destroy all the horcruxes?" Remus asked.

"Yes and no," Regulus's voice came from behind them, startling many.

"Merlin's beard," Sirius gasped. "How do you apparate so silently?"


A loud crack signalled Smith's appearance.

"What did I miss?" he questioned, tumbling downwards along with a glass vase.

"Everything," Euphemia answered, fixing the vase with a wave of her wand.

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