*rileys POV*
We are going home today. I really wanted to cut this holiday, but I couldn't. So instead I picked my fingers. Because my cuts have healed I wore a 'boo, you whore' top and high wasted shorts with tights and the old white converse.[getting home]
Well the plane journey was as traumatic as last time...
We got in and un-packed. I got a text and it was from Tyler.
T~hey, I'll be over in a couple hours okay, can't wait to see you my queen!x
R~YES! Can't wait either queen#2!x"Dad's! Tyler will be hear in a couple hours" I yell, not getting up from my 'existential crisis' position.
"Okay piglet" dan yells back.
I walk into the living room and dan whispers something to phil making him laugh.
"Riley... I think you need a visit from... THE TICKLE MONSTER" phil yells
"Guys I'm not two" I say
"We don't care" dan said pinning me down
"STOP" I scream, laughing uncontrollably
"NEVER!" Dan yells louder
"S-st-op! I'm p-e s-ttt-ppp" I couldn't talk because I was laughing so much!
I struggle away and they come close but before they do I yell "NO STOP IM GONNA PEE" and I run into my bathroom.
When I walk out of my bathroom I sit on my bed, and my phone goes of.
*big trigger warning😭*
I look at my phone and see a text. Not from Mitch, or Courtney and Anna... No. Daisy... And the text said
D~ are you dead yet? We all hope you are... If your not, cut your wrists pour bleach in them then drink the fucking bleach. You deserve all the pain you get. Everyone hates you. I seriously hope you kill yourself.. Your parents have you they left you ffs. How can you be happy? If you come back I'll kill you myself. Blame yourself for everyone hating you because your an ugly slag. WHY ARE YIU STILL HERE FFS RILEY NO ONE LIKES YOU!
Once I red the message I dropped my phone on my bed. I wasn't sad I was angry. I grab my box, punch the wall, causing my knuckle to split and slam my bathroom door as hard as I can. I got the blade out and put all my weight on it and dragged it all the way across my arm. I must have done it about 20 times, all up my arm. I was covered in blood and I heard a knock at my door and my hear sunk...
"Are you okay? Let me in!" Dan said softly but firmly
"Um.. I'm just about to get in the shower" I say, voice shaky
"Are you sure your okay, you sound like you've been crying.." Dan says un-convinced
"I'm fine." I say, eyes going fuzzy
I clean up my arm and put steri-strips on the deep cuts. I put on a hoodie and sit on my bed, grabbing my phone, I had a reminder 'birthday tomorrow'
I just cry. 13 years and already want to die. After 10 minuets of thinking I call dan in."Da-n.. I mean dad" I said, my voice quiet and shaky.
"What's wrong pigl- OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU! TELL ME WHAT HAPPEND!" His loud voice only made me cry more. He rushed to my bed and held me close.
"I got a text" my tears turning to anger "I don't deserve to live.. I JUST WANT TO DIE I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE DAD!" I scream and run out my bedroom. I hear dan running after me... There's no going back now. I run out the front door when someone grabs my top from behind, I couldn't get away.
"Riley! Your fine. Look at me" I look up and phil is staring into my eyes. "Your stronger than this! We love you so much and can't loose you" he said holding me tight while dan closed the door.
"Piglet... I called Ty, he will come over another time" dan said, joining our hug. "Please, you are stronger than this, like phil said! We love you and we don't know what we'd do if we lost you. We would be lost."
"Thanks.. But I can't.. I just can't... I get told to drink bleach and to kill myself almost everyday" I sob into phil.
"Shh... It's okay. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem..." Phil said
"Hey! It's your birthday tomorrow! You should be happy!" Dan said smiling at phil.
"How'd you know..." I ask after calming down
"Your our kid dummy! Of course we know" phil said rubbing my head
"Do you want anything?" Dan asks
"No I'm good.. But can I sleep at Anna's on Monday?" I ask (today's Saturday)
"I don't see why not" phil smiles
*end of trigger warning*
I couldn't help but be happy. My first house party with my boy and best friends.
It was kinda late so I got into my pjs then put my rabbit onsie over the top, brushed my teeth and went into the living room
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Dan asks me
"Sure" I smile
Dan comes up behind me and picks me up by my waist and plops me on the sofa by phil and then sits next to me handing me some popcorn. I look at him, then the popcorn. Me and my sister always ate popcorn. I give in and eat it. I know my sister would want me to... (Her name is Sophia) dan hands me the remote and I look through the films and go with mean girls, that was also me and Sophia's best film.
*dans POV*
Awww! Riley's fallen asleep on me. I decided to take her into her room, I put her iPad on next to her bed and put on zoella playlist and put it next to her bed. She always watches Zoe or Louise's videos before bed. I turn her phone on silent and put her iPod on the bedside table.
I walk into the living room and see piles of presents for Riley. From us and her friends. She will be so happy, and me and phil arranged for some youtubers to come over.
"We best be heading to bed, we need to get up before Riley to set up the place" phil says walking into the kitchen
"Okay, night Philly" I say getting up grabbing some cereal and going into my bedroom.

Adopted by Dan and Phil
FanfictionMeet Riley. She's a socially awkward teen who fan girls about books too much. She aspires to be like Dan and Phil some day, and have a friendship as strong as theirs.( I mean their friendship survived monopoly, who wouldn't want that?) Another thing...