*Riley's POV*
It's been another few months. Four months ago, Dan and Phil made a huge announcement. The announcement that they're adopting quads! Two year old quads! Today is the day they finally move in with us. I'm beyond exited!
There's Jett. He has brown hair, beautiful big blue eyes and big chubby cheeks. He loves to swim and be in the water. Whenever there is a camera around he'll definitely strike a pose.
Then there's Parker. She has dirty brown hair and blue eyes. She's not very chubby but she's extremely huggable. She loves to hide from you, especially when you're looking for her.
Then we have Ava. Ava also dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She has the most adorable Santa sounding giggle that she always seems to be doing. Over the past few month she's acquired the nickname 'Aba' from the other babies.
Last of all we have Henry. You aren't supposed to have favourite siblings, however there's just something about Henry. We connected more. Henry has blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. He's always attached to me like my left arm. But I love him."Ri, hurry, we have to leave" Phil shouted from somewhere in the house.
I slipped my feet in my DM's then ran out of my room with my phone in my hand.
*buzz buzz*
From Georgia: what time you outttt?
To Georgia: get dropped at mine at 4?
From Georgia: okay, got four pills. have fun getting the quadssss!
To Georgia: dankkkk! and I will lolll
I placed my phone in my pocket and slid into the car.
"Exited?" Dan asked
"Very" I laughed, thinking about how much fun I'll be having later.
"What you gonna be doing later then?" Phil asked, trying to make conversation.
"Umm, probably just chilling at the park like always" I laughed nervously, always worried a fan is going to bump into me while I'm off my face on ecstasy.
"Nice, I still don't get how you stay out all night sober" Dan laughed.
"Haha, yeah me too, must be my teenage brain" I laughed, tapping on my phone as we pulled into the quints place.
Once we parked I quickly jumped out of the car and made my way to Parker, Jett, Ava and Henry who where stood at the door way.
"Hello" I smiled, lifting up Henry.
"Ri Ri" He smiled his big cheesy grin that makes my heart melt every time.
"Henry" I smiled back, entering the house.
"Riley, why don't you go and get the quints and their stuff in the car while your dads do some last paper work" Lilian (their social worker) said.
I took Parker's hand in my only free hand and instructed the others to hold on too, then led them both to the car.
"Are you exited about coming home?" I asked as I opened the car door.
"Yessss" They all laughed.
"Your seat is there Parker, climb through" I helped Parker climb over Henry's seat, then she sat herself in her seat. I then helped Jett and Ava.
I sat Henry in his seat, then strapped him in. I then repeated the proses on Parker's side, and to Jett and Ava.
"I'm just gonna grab your cases" I smiled, rushing into the doorway, grabbing all four cases and bringing them to the car door.
I opened the boot and places all the cases inside.
"Where shall I sit then?" I asked, walking away from the now shut boot.
"BY US RI RI!" Henry yelled, holding up his arms, Jett giggling along side him.
"Okay then" I laughed, climbing into the car and shutting the door.
"Here comes dads" I smiled, looking up from my phone.
"Ri Ri" Henry called, grabbing my hand.
"Yes Henry?" I asked as Dan and Phil entered the car.
"Photo photo" He exclaimed, kicking his little legs about.
I held up my phone which had snapchat open and snapped a cute picture of me and Henry. I drew a while heart on the picture then posted it to my story. Then I took a picture of our feet and used it as my streaks.
*buzz buzz*
From Georgia: how you taking it tonight?
To Georgia: i'm gonna drop it wholeee
From Georgia: fucking savage. plz eat before thooooo
To Georgia: i'll eat as much as i cannn
From Georgia: okay gooooddddd
I locked my phone as we pulled onto the drive way.
"Shotgun getting the kids" Me and Dan yelled, causing us to laugh.
"Not fair" Phil whined as we all exited the car.
Once I had got out of the car, I unbuckled Henry and helped him out whilst Dan helped Parker and Phil got the cases. Henry wriggled out of my arms, but stayed next to me until Parker came to his side. We both repeated this with Jett and Ava. I pulled my phone out and filmed then running through the grass towards the house.
My new beautiful siblings.

Adopted by Dan and Phil
FanfictionMeet Riley. She's a socially awkward teen who fan girls about books too much. She aspires to be like Dan and Phil some day, and have a friendship as strong as theirs.( I mean their friendship survived monopoly, who wouldn't want that?) Another thing...