*rileys POV*
I change into leggings and a FOB T-shirt, and a few bracelets. I re-did my make-up, then walked back into the living room, grabbed my gym bag and we got in the car.
"So.... What did you do at school today then?" Dan asks
"Well, we had English first, then art and I drew Totoro, Mai and Satsuki on the branch above the river. After Art we had Drama, we had to write an essay on what the play was about, but cuz I wasn't there I had to watch it on YouTube, then write it. Then we had history, and I got beat up at lunch... Umm, yeh. Then last we had ICT but I skipped and me and my English sat in his room, finishing my assessment watching YouTube and on tumblr." I said looking at my feet.
"You should bring your books home sometime, so we can see. Specially your art one" Phil said
"You should start drama classes after the voice and your gymnastics meet" Dan says
"Yeh okay, because I'm level 9 gymnastics I will only have to go twice a week, acrobats 5pm-7pm, and the voice people called and they canceled the Disney round, so I only have two more weeks of it" I say, playing with my gym bag.
When we finally got there I was greeted by Joel and Benji madden. Dan and Phil waited in the little room while I went with the boys. I'll be singing with Annie and Ethen. We all discussed what song we would sing and it is MIKA lollipop. We practiced for the hour and I got Annie and Ethens numbers then rushed out.
We got to gymnastics and I quickly got changed to my Leo and shorts and go into the gym. Dan and Phil wait in the room up top. I scan the room and spot my coach and ran up to her, they are at the beam. I practiced my beam routean: back handspring, back walkover, cartwheel, twirl, back tuck, back ariel, ariel and back handspring off. Then we went to vault, then bars, and I had my bars routean perfect so I went to floor. My routean had lots of flips and splits with dancing between. Gymnastics finished at 5:45 today, as the had a show.
We went home and I snuggled with gizmo, while watching Wreck It Ralph and My Neighbour Totoro, I also read some more of Will Greyson Will Greyson. Before I watched the films Dan cooked me a little bit of mac and cheese... On the road to recovery...

Adopted by Dan and Phil
FanfictionMeet Riley. She's a socially awkward teen who fan girls about books too much. She aspires to be like Dan and Phil some day, and have a friendship as strong as theirs.( I mean their friendship survived monopoly, who wouldn't want that?) Another thing...