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Niki's POV
When I touched her she was burning up and it hurt my hand. I immediately called my mom since I do not know what is happening and I do not want to bother Jake.
"Hi mom!"
"Hi sweetie what is wrong?" She asks.
"Can a human go into heat after so long after they mate with a werewolf?"
"No sweety, why do you ask?" My mom asks
"Ang is burning up and when I touched her it hurt me. Could it be the hot springs pool?"
"No it can not be the pool it if hurt you. Maybe you should bring her home." My mom says.
"Okay I will."
I hang up and we exit the pool area to find both male and female beasts sniffing the air and then glare at us. I turned around and then heard.
"Mmm. Human." For so many people.
I grab her hand trying to ignore the pain and pull her back into the pool area. If anything happens to her on my watch Jake would be more than fierce with me and I would not care since it was my fault. I ran with her into the locker room and locked the door just for them to try breaking it down. So I immediately called my mom again.
"Sweety what is wrong?" She asks.
"We are under attack. They want Ang."
"Sweety calm down. Who are they?" My mom asks.
"Other supernatural beings, both female and male."
I am freaking out and it is causing Ang to freak out.
"I do not understand." My mom says.
I heard an bang both on the phone and outside the door.
"Mom here take the kids Ang is in trouble." I heard Jake say.
The the phone went silent and I cursed at myself for not bringing a battery charger.
"Jake is on the way."
She nods and there is another bang before the door busts open and we run with them on our tails.

Angelina's POV

I try my best to keep running and ever Nikki help reminding me about my kids and what will happen if I don't keep running. So I pick up my pace not wanting my kids to grow up without me. After what feel like an hour I just could not run anymore and tripped over a tree root. I hissed in pain, but I know it will heal soon if I am near Jake.

The whole mate bond has its benefits like healing me quicker just like before. That was when I broke my ankle from running away from Jake after saying my goodbye to John aka Jay now.

He changed his name after he forgot all of our past.

Nikki tries to get me up, but some how I keep burning her. Then she tried the one thing that I am pretty sure was her last case motivation.

"If you do not get up and we keep running they will kill us. Our kids will be motherless, Darby will become Jake's new mate and Luna, and who knows how she will treat my niece and nephews!" Nikki says show her wolf Kim.

That made me me angry and motivated to deal with the pain.

I got up hissing from the pain and looked behind me seeing they are about ten feet away. So I ran not wanting Darby ever touch Jake like I do ever again. As I keep running I remind myself that I have to keep going for my kids sake, Jake's sake, my niece sake, and my pack's sake. We kept run maybe about two more blocks before I see Jack in his wolf form. His eyes are yellow almost a dirty gold making me greatful and a bit horney knowing Jack has full control.

Maybe he will tie me up to our bed and spank me while teasing me very sexually once we get home.

Jack growls for fiercely making me snap out of my thoughts.

Damn so not the time to be horney.

Then I see some of our warriors coming into view making me relax a bit. That was a bad idea since the next thing I know is that I slow down a bit and trip again over a different tree root. I hear Jack's growl then the fighting, but I can not see and slowly I can not hear anything.

When I woke up it we found out why Niki was getting burned when she touched me. Jack did not mind as it meant we would be mating more and I did not mind as long as he was near me, touching me in one way or another. If he does not touch my body my heat will over consume me and it will be more painful.

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