chapter 9

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So its been a week but feels like a month. Tonight I'm going to be part of this pack and be their Luna. Im not allowed to see him until tonight hence it feels like a month. That day we found out I'm pregnant after shopping. I'm happy, but worried at the same time. But right now I have to be in the present getting ready for tonight. Jake has been more than moody lately well since we found out we are going to be parents. That night was the first time we weren't near each other while sleeping since I have noticed I love him. Anyways I guess it my fault since I started the chase which lead to us mating all night and sleeping only three hours then back at it ect. His dad well to put it nicely was asked to stay away from me until he changes his mind, but I doubt that will ever happen. Like what is it that he hates about me so much that he almost killed me when he heared about me being pregnant. His mom and Niki have been trying to help keep my mind off of all that, but when its only Niki and me its really hard. Oh did I tell you she found her mate, well if I didn't now you know and let me tell you Jake isn't pleased one bit. For me I'm happy, but also all the time I shared with him he doesn't remember and they keep flooding my mind which makes Jake want to kill him more so I have pushed him out of my mind. John treats Nikki right, but it took him longer to realize she wasn't lying about them being mates and her being a werewolf. Right now she is outside my door talking with him. I have been trying to forget the time we shared, but its harder when your heart and brain are not on the same page. Nikki and john have mated while Jakes and Nikki's mom was with me. Hearing them hurt, but I'm with Jake and he is my soulmate. I do not know if Jake is okay since I blocked everything out. The first night we talked through our link with his help, but since then everything changed. Nikki is kissing him cause of the sound from their lips, but I have came to agree that once the baby or babies are born I'll be having a spell to help me forget the time me and john shared. Jake doesn't know about it yet, but this will be less awkward if I just forget about that time. Nikki walks in seeing I'm already up and getting my slippers on.

"Sorry." Nikki says.

"You not need to be sorry. He's your mate and I understand. Plus we got enough time for me to be ready for the cenemony."

I know Nikki doesn't understand the day I knew they mated it hurt me, but mostly I was happy that she found her mate and is happy and okay. Seeing john in dark jeans again made things different and harder. I walk to my bathroom well the bathroom in this bedroom. Nikki follows, but I jut need to be alone right now.

"Nikki I just need to be alone right now. I don't need to be watched or pampered right now. I just need to use the restroom."

Nikki nods, but the air is tense until she leaves. I walk to my sink looking at myself. All that time we shared he doesn't remember and it was a waste. I try mind linking Jake, but I feel the pain get worse. I scream my lungs out until Nikki and her mom comes in helping me up and to the bed. Since I'm human and Jake is a werewolf my body is trying to accomadate our baby, but my body each day gets weaker. I don't know if Jake won't talk to me because I'm pregnant or for other reasons. Jake rushes in seeing my face and runs to me helping me into bed. Jakes touch stops the pain, but I know he can't stay.

So its almost time for the cenemony and the baby is fine. But the doctor told me to take it easy and stop worrying. Which is causing the pain since what I feel the baby feels. Nikki's mom helps me up from the chair and I look at myself in the mirror. I have very little makeup on which is lip gloss and glider eye-shadow. My hair is curled going down to my shoulders. His mom and Nikki helps me to the arena where he cenemony is being held. Once I get inside on the back stage I can see the candles lit with each member holding one. Jake is in a tuxedo with his hair combed. The cenemony starts and I can't help feeling nervous. Jake reaches his hand out to me and I'm helped with walking to him. When our hands touches those tingles run up my arm.

After the cenemony we celebrated and ate. Until Jake couldn't keep his wolf contained. He stanched me up and next thing I know is I'm laying down on our bed with him kissing me. His tongue slides into my mouth making me moan and my pantys need to be wash.

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