chapter 13

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So a week has passed and the pain has gotten worse it is now Andrew's birthday party. Instead of it being at the place i thought i belonged at and was loved at it is at Jake's parents place. I feel so bad that Andrew is in the dark about this whole situation, but it is for the best. He keeps asking when jake is coming, but i do not want him to get affected by this. Jake seemed like he loved us, but still there is no calls or mindlinks. For now i am still luna and taking care of the pack as much as i can.

"Andrew sweety."

"Yes mommy?" Andrew asks running down the hall.

"Come and eat your birthday breakfast."

In two seconds he is at the table getting into his seat. After breakfast we got ready to leave. He does not know about his birthday party today. Hopefully Jake come to at least wish our son a happy birthday even though i am not ready to see him with all this pint up anger and hurt, but for my son i would do anything for him. He is seriously my whole world and i love my son to death. Yes he tests my patience and his luck, but he know i love him so much. Once we are dressed i take us to the park where there is a dinosaur theme sets. I watch him carefully and it feels like it has only been ten minutes, but it has been thirty. I bring him to his surprise party.

One hour later

I got to say he was completely surprised where he screamed and jumped. So maybe this is the last surprise party until he gets older. Jake has not showed his face so i suck up my pride and feelings. I called first, but no answer so i told beth where i was heading and left to see what is more important than our son. He better not be with that hore. Once i get there the memory is once again fresh making my wounds reopen. I walk in and to his office finding him drunk and asleep. Twenty bottles empty all around his office. I walk to him and tryed to wake him up, but i alreay know how fruitless that is when he is drunk. This is the second time he has gotten drunk and this time is worse. Just trying not to touch him makes the throbing in my neck worse, but i remind myself he has cheated on us for a whole week.

"Jake wake up you stupid idiot!"

Yelling wont help, but it makes me feel a bit better.

"Jake if you do not wake up right now then things will get worse. It is our son's birthday you freaking donkey."

He stires, but nothing more. I go grab a spray bottle and put cold water in it. Then headed back to the office to find jake on the couch snoring. Freaken donkey woke up to lay on the couch, but not for our son. I spray him multiple times while saying bad dog. I know i am playing with fire since all werewolfs hate being called muts and dogs. Then i say he is a bad dad and a very bad mate. After i said that he whimpered. His ryes open and this is not jake, but his wolf. Dang what did i get myself into. He shouts up and grabs me before i can make it to the door. He nusles my neck and apologize to me. I got to say i really did miss these sparks. The last time i saw his wolf in full control was the night i went to say goodbye to jay in the cells. I am brought back to reality when he picks me up and kisses my mark between my neck and sholder. Oh how i forgot h ow this feels, but i push him away and that makes him more sober. I want him, but at the same time i do not since he cheated on me. He looks at me and whimpers then howls darting out the house. I got into my car and chased him to the spot he took me before all the problems started to get bad. There he is sitting by the tree looking at the waterfall. I walk up to him when he noticed it was me.

"Derrick please stop running i just want Andrew to have a great third bithday and he wants his dad."

I still do not understand if his wolf is Andrew's dad too. He looks at me and lays down like he is depressed or sad.

"Derrick i still love you, but jake hurt me badly and i do not know what to do besides leaving. If you love Andrew just olease come to your parents place and spend some time with him and let jake dpend some time with him too."

He lifts his head and nods shifting right there. How i forgot how god like he looks and how big ect. I turn around blushing when he caught me eyeing him. Dang i just had to not expect this did i. He grabs me from behind turning me around.

"You still blush after all this time. It is still so cute." Derrick says.

Jerk he had to say that making me blush more.

"I love you Ann so much."

He pulls me closer and kisses me making my mind go blurry to the point it was not working. I pull him closer to me feeling the aparks light up more. The last time i felt those sparks like that was when jake and him had sex with me to the point i could not talk really. I jump on autopilot until i feel him and everything crashes into me making things hurt way worse. He notices and puts me down kissing my forehead. Derrick has changed over time and i know how hard it is right now for him, but i can not at least untill jake makes a change and apologize to me for his donkey actions. He goes and grabs clothes then he grabs my hand walking all the way back ro my car. He drives when he sees how drained i truly am. Once at Andrew's party Derrick grabs my hand again after opening the door for me. We head to the back yard and Andrew runs towards us with a bright happy smile. So was it worth going through all that, heck yes it was way worth it.

Five hours later

Jake sets a sleeping Andrew in bed and tucks him in. Once the door is shut hr grabs my hand and we head to the front porch.

"I am really sorry Ann! I am a total jerk and i promise i will change and make it up to you if you give me another chance. I know i do not deserve another chance."a

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