chapter 16

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So i was right about why the guard barged in. Once Jake walked back into our room he put in the code to our safe room then had me and our son along with every woman than was either pregnant, newly mated, and ones that was to young to even protect them selfs if something happens or to young to find their mate. As a rule all unmated wolves go into a different safe room just in case the one who is visting or trespassing is their mate. It is stupid, but it is the council's rules only so no werewolf goes without a mate and if they are their mate it helps out since no wolf allows them to reject their mate. Jake kisses me one more time then his eyes turns a goldish and a blackish color. I know it is serious not just by his eyes, but also by the kiss like it is our last kiss. I can not cry in front of my pack here. I have to protect them and be bave for everyone. Our son hugs jake then grabs my hand and we walk all the way to thr end of the safe room. After two hours jake lets me out but not anyone else saying we need to talk. He brings me to his office and the smell makes me want to rip her head off. I walk in with my mouth shut before this ends badly. What i seen is two guys.


He looks at me braking his gaze with that witch.

"Angie, what are you doing here?" Steffen asks.

"I am the Luna of this pack and this is my mate. I can see you met the whore of the pack who tried to steal my mate."

With Steffen i can never shut my big mouth and when i do he already knows.

"WHAT!"Steffen asks.

Jake steps in front of me then Steffen narrows his eyes making jake step in front of darbe. Her being that close to him and him protecting her rather than me. Okay i understand i am in no harms way and darbe is still a member, but with everything she has done and still acts like she did nothing wrong.

"Nevermind me taking her. I rather have no mate than a whore who is evil." Steffen yells.

My eyes go wide and i just realized what i just did making me feel worse than guilty. I just ruin my best cofriend chance to happiness and life without the whole ftom not having the one person who is made for him.

Steffen storms out and i follow him making jake growl, but right now i do not care. I catch up to steffen trying to make him stop.

"Steffen please stop."

He looks at me and his expression softens.

"I am sorry i did not know."

He nods and jake pulls me into his hard chest naking a growling sound.

"Are you staying for dinner. Its really late now."

By the looks my question does not calm either males making the air more tense.

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