chapter 17

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Steffen does stay for dinner and i am happy he did because that lets us to catch up on things we missed. While during dinner jake sets me on his lap inhaling my scent while darbe just gives me an stink eyesince i was talking with Steven. Andrew is sitting next to me and Jake, but he is not paying attention. I have not told him yet and i know he can tell something is different. I promised myself that Jake and me will tell Andrew after dinner is done. He eats all of his food, but stays at the table near me and jake. After dinner Steffen is set up in one of our guest rooms until morning or until we solve the problem that i took place in which is eating at me. Jake and I help get Andrew ready for bed.

"Mommy?" Andrew asks.

"Yes sweety?"

"Is something wrong?" Andrew asks.

"No sweety."

I look at Jake and he nods knowing my question.

"Sweety would you like to have a little sibling?"

He looks at me then Jake.

"Mommy are you pregnant?" Andrew asks.

"Yes son your mother is carrying your baby sister or baby brother." Jake says.

"Really! I am going to be a big brother?" Andrew asks with so much excitement that it releaves my anxiety.


"Does that mean i have to share everything?" Andrew asks with a masked face showing no emotions.

"No Andrew. Your baby sibling will have their own room and items. But yout mother will need our help with them." Jake says before he gets mindlinked.

"So you will only be sharing me, your dad, and when you help your time."

He yawns and nods mumbling he wants a baby sister. One thing i hopeful with this baby is the sleeping time is set like ours. And when they get to Andrew's age they fall asleep as quick as Andrew. Jake looks at me and i tuck our son in then shut his door following Jake.

"Love i have a meeting with steffen and darbe. Ill be in bed after the meeting." Jake says.

That familiar feeling of the past and worry runs through me making Jake lift my head to have my eyes meet his.

"Love i am truly sorry for my acrions, but they will never repeat and i love you to death. This meeting is only to help solve the situation." Jake says.

"Then why can i not attend the meeting.?"

"Because you are carrying our pup and you need sleep." Jake says.

I know he is more possessive of me now since i am carrying our baby, but i can feel his jealousy.

"Are you sure that is the only reasons i can not attend the meeting?"

"Fine i do not want you around him anymore at least for tonight." Jake says.

"Jakey I love you, but do not take too long."

I kiss him passionate and walk away swinging my hips in a taunting way to suggest what waits for him. I can feel his arousal since it is strong and also i could feel his member growing during our kiss. I turn to find him standing in the same spot with golden blue eyes meaning he is fighting over control with his wolf. In two seconds he is right infront of me with completely gold eyes.

"Love stop teasing or else!" Jack says in a warning teasing tone.

I know he would not mind making love all night or being intimate in other ways while i relax and or sleep.

"Or else what?"

"His eyes flash with mischief and he picks me up giving me a little hint what will happen. What he does not know is i want him most of the night.

"Love stop it or else." Jack says.

How i miss Jack being out more since i gave birth to Andrew. Jake will lose most of the battles for control with his wolf while i am carrying our baby.

"Okay if you hurry back to me."

He sets me down and i head to our room while he heads to his office thinking of unarousing thoughts. Once in our bed i can not help, but think this time being pregnant i am more horney than when i was pregnant with Andrew. I wonder if that is nomal or if we are having more than one baby.

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