chapter 18

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After 3 month we learned i am carrying twins. One is a girl and the other is a boy. They think i will deliver earlier than i did with Andrew. So we will see in the next 3 months. I already look like a big hipo.

"Love stop you are not a big hipo, you are sexy as f**k and it is hard not to touch you." Jack and Jake says.

Oh did i mention the doctor told us no more riding each other. Jake and Jack hates being told what he can and can not do to me unless it is by me. Every morning since the restriction he wakes up with a boner and when he goes to sleep. I have given him hand jobs, but i can tell it is not enough and is not the same.

He is in a towel after his fifth shower today. Oh how when he is like this the restriction is killing me.

"Llove please stop." Both k
Jake and Jack says.

"I can not help it. I miss the fun and loving time."

I look again in the mirror and shake my head.

"How about if i ask the doctor if we can have oral sex?" Both jack and jake asks.

I look at him hopeful because now that we are having twins everthing i feel is doubled including being horney.

I take one last glance at myself then went into our closet to grab my black tennis shoes. I see him with no towel puting on boxers. To be exact the same boxers he wore when we made up completely the day Andrew went to spend the night at Nikki's place. I feel him before i see him.

"Love what is wrong?" Jake asks.

"Nothing is wrong just remebering a fun time we shared."

He nods and is looking like he is in space meaning he is either mindlinking or talking to Jack. I grab my shoes and put them on walking to Andrew's room.

"Mommy can i go to play with Becky?" Andrew asks.

Becky is Nikki's daughter and both me and Nikki believes that they are going to be having the same blood line mates ( their mates being related) or their mates will be someone very close to them.

"Yes you can just make sure to be careful."

He hugs me then runs out the house to Nikki's. Now what to do? Since i am pregnabt with twins jake and jack made it clear that i need to take it easy. Meaning most of my luna duties i can not do. I walk to the daycare i had built before Andrew was born and mindlinked jake telling him where i am going.

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