Christmas Spirit.. well kinda..

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“Merry Christmasss!” My mom yelled. Her blonde head poked through my doorway and she had a big grin on her face. I groaned and flipped over so I was facing her. 

“Moooom.” I groaned and then looked at the alarm clock on the bed next to me. 8:15. I got home with Lou at 12 last night. Our date was fun and after dinner he took me back to his place. We watched a few movies then he walked me home. It was the perfect way to end our date, a kiss on my front porch as the light snow left our noses red and our hair with snow flurries stuck in them. 

“But you have presents!” She complained. My mom always went full out for Christmas. She bought so many gifts it was ridiculous. I pushed back the duvet and all warmth left my body making me shiver. My feet padded over to my doorway and I opened it, walking down the stairs quickly. 

“Merry Christmas.” Emma said not even looking up from her lap. I sighed and plopped on the leather couch next to the girl. I took a look under the tree and there were about 5 presents left. Probably for me. 

The worst thing about me is that I hate getting presents. 

I looked around the room and saw wrapping paper everywhere and then looked at Emma. She was looking down at her new IPhone 5 and had a stack of clothes next to her and various items. Obviously she got more than me. Typical Emma. 

I walked up to the tree and grabbed a present but not before my mom told me which one to pick up. 

“Um sweetie. I only got you 2 this year. One is from your sister and the other ones... I don’t know where they came from. But they have your name. Open that one last honey.” She adressed me. I put down the present and moved on to the next. It was a simple envelope that had my name and address on it in black print, not handwriting that I recognized. I went back to the couch and sat back down. 

I tore the top of the letter open agonizingly slow and then pulled a thin piece of paper. It was a simple piece of notebook paper and I opened it up. 

The same handwriting was placed on the paper. 

Don’t think I forgot about you. I wouldn’t ever forget my baby girl. I didn’t leave. I’m still here. Starbucks off Doncaster Rd. at 6. 

My heart skipped a beat at the name that the letter was from. I looked at my mom and she stared at me with a confused look. 

xx Daddy

“Just a note from Carter.” I lied to my mom. She smiled and nodded as I put the note in my pocket. Emma looked at me, she seemed a bit shaken up and slid me her phone.

Don’t think I forgot about you. I wouldn’t ever forget my baby girl. I didn’t leave. I’m still here. Starbucks off Doncaster Rd. at 6.

xx Daddy

Was what it read on her screen. 

“You gonna go?” She asked. I hesitated but then nodded. 

Should I go? Should I risk the fact that I haven’t seen him in like 14 years? Emma hasn’t even met him. It’s ridiculous. 

I walked over to the tree again and picked up another unknown gift. This time it was a small box. I unwrapped it and eagerly opened it. There was a small silver box. 

I opened up the box to see a small sticky note, much like the ones I got on the beach from Lou. 

‘Merry Christmas babe. Lots of love xx Boobear’ 

If I Lose My Way: A Louis Tomlinson fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now