all things end

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Well that was a bad choice Annabelle because now I have to do this..” Louis said, his voice cracking. 

“Do what?” I asked him. 

“We need to break up.” Louis said. I let out a loud sob. 

“W-why?” I asked. 

“You lied to me. And I’m on the live shows now Belle-” 

“Don’t call me Belle!” I yelled angrily. 

“Babe please ju-” 

“don’t call me babe either.” I warned. 

“Okay... Annabelle. I’m on the live shows. You’re becoming famous. It’s not going to work.” 

“We can make it work!” I yelled angrily, tears streaming down my face. 

But there was something inside telling me we couldn’t. But I needed him. He was mine. I fiddled with the locket around my neck for a minute, opening it and looking at the pictures. I waited for a response from Lou but was greeted by the beep of the call ending. 

I pulled my knees up to my head and cried. I cried until my head was light and I had no tears left. I cried until it was dark. 

Then someone tapped my shoulder and I whipped my head around. Carter? 

It was Carter. 

She had the same blonde hair and blue eyes. She was alone this time. Her clothes were brown with stains and her blonde hair messed up. 

“What do you want?” I asked her. 

“Now we are both broken.” She stated simply before coming at me. She tackled me to the ground and put her hands around my neck. She yelled curse words at me as I lost air slightly. She laugh evily as my blood flow stopped in my head and i tried to scream but instead there was a squeaking voice that made its way out of my throat. 

Then she was pulled off of me. She fell onto the ground with a figure on top of her. He beat her and he yelled the same words at her that she said to me. Then he got up and left. 

But not before he came over to me. He knelt down and helped me back up. He was an attractive boy that helped me, bright blue eyes much like Louis’ and black, brown hair. He had almost perfect facial structure. He looked muscular too. 

“Who are you?” I asked. 

“I’m Luke. I was walking in the park when I saw her attack you.” He said simply. I nodded and grabbed my phone that was sprawled across the grass. It was cracked. Great. 

I walked away from the boy but not before he grabbed my wrist. 

Then I realized something. 

“Promise me something?” He asked, taking my hand in his. 


“Promise you won’t do it again as long as you know me.” 

I looked down in my lap, but then looked back up at Louis’ eyes, who were foreign to me only a few hours ago. I don’t think I can do it though. 

But I nodded.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Do I know him anymore? Does this count? 

He’s over with me. He will probably become famous and then start to date some model. Some model who will give him everything he needs and more. 

It hasn’t totally sunk in that he isn’t mine anymore. He can’t tell me I’m beautiful. He can’t do that. He isn’t mine. He’s just Louis Tomlinson. Not MY Louis Tomlinson. 

I’m just Annabelle Williams. An upcoming star. A person who will have her name known. 

A person that Louis Tomlinson used to know. 


“here.” he stated then took out a piece of paper. He put it in my hands. 

It had been folded multiple times. 

And in the scribbly handwriting, the same that was on the notes it read;

‘will you be my girlfriend?’ 

I turned to him and locked my gaze with his. 

“Yes! A thousand times yes!” I yelled then pressed my lips to his hungrily. This wasn’t like our normal gentle kisses, it was filled with passion and need. I felt sparks. Again. 

I ran my fingers through his hair, tangling them into it. His hands pressed the back of my neck and he deepened the kiss. His lips were chapped but smooth in a way. They fit perfectly to mine. 

I pulled my mouth away and caught my breath. He smiled and started to laugh. I followed and we burst into laughter. 

“Your’e mine. I still can’t believe that.” He said as he stared down at my face. I laid my head in his lap looking up at the constalations above our heads.

*end of flashback*

I didn’t realize I was hugging this stranger. He was rubbing my back soothingly. I felt safe again. 

“Can I walk you home?” He asked. I nodded and pulled away from him. We walked back in silence to my house.


there will be a sequel

just throwing that out there

yall are lucky i updated today because i just got the iphone5 and tumblr is on my iphone and i cant get off ok 

and pretty little liars is on tonight

yesterday was my birthday thats why i didnt update 

bye bye imma watch pll

xx katiee

If I Lose My Way: A Louis Tomlinson fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now