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I tapped my foot anxiously on the white tiled floor and sighed. I pushed my hair out of my face. The hospital smelled weird. It smelled like weird medicines and antiseptic. When I was little I used to despise the doctors office. It was the worst. I used to scream and kick my whole way to the office and when the nurse came near me I would bite her. 

But today is one of the few days I’m actually willing to be here. 

For a friend. 

I sat outside of room 317 in the cold waiting room. For the past week my bum has been planted in this chair, only being able to get up to eat food and  when Carter came, give her the occasional hug. I hadn’t been allowed in there yet. Only family was. It was horrible actually, the stress of not being able to see him. I look through the door window, it was so slim though. I only got to see his perfectly chisled face and those dark blue eyes closed. I had thrown a few fits actually but haven’t exactly been allowed to go in. I’ve had many panic attacks. I would see white spots in front of me and start hyperventalating. 

The thought of losing him made me cringe. 

I’d only known him for a week. We’d spoken a few words. Maybe more. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt home. 

And now I can’t. I can’t feel him here any more. 

A nurse clothed in white garmets, with a blue mask over her mouth walked up to me. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a tight bun, making her look professional. 

“Um Ms. Williams?” She asked. I looked up at her and forced a smile. 

“Yes.” I stated, wondering what news she brought me. 

“You can go see him now. He’s woken up.” She said. A smile appeared on my face and I stood up. Finally. He was awake and not dead. 

I turned the knob to his hospital room door and opened it, walking into the pale white room. Louis sat there, his blue eyes dancing across the pale walls to me. He stared at me for a moment, as if he forgot who I was. Then a smile appeared on his face. I smiled back at him, coming closer and closer to his bed. 

“Hey.” He said, sitting himself up. 

“hey.” I responded, sitting on the end of the bed. It creaked as I sat on it. 

“How have you been?” He asked. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. 

“you scared me to death.” I stated getting off of the bed and walking closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged his body close to mine. He didn’t put his arms around me but managed to put one around my body. But that one arm made me feel safe. I was just glad he was alive honestly. If he died I don’t know what I’d do. 

“what happened. Tell me everything in exact detail.” I said to him. He sighed and flipped his hair to the side. I smiled at his actions. 

“Well I was in biology, wishing you would show up. And then some kid in our biology class. His name is George Waltons said he needed to grab something out of his locker. So he went and came back with a gun. And we all just sat there, but I being the smart one in the class..” He said. 

I laughed at his remark and he played a smirk on his perfect face. 

“I crawled under my desk. And so then everyone went down. While he shot the teacher I managed to get out of the classroom, making a run for it down the hallway. But unfortunately George saw me and chased after me. So he shot my shoulder and I fell over, pretending that I was dead so he could possibly go away. And of course I succeeded. But I wasn’t that lucky and passed out from blood loss and just woke up now. I’m so happy you are the first face I saw.” He stated. 


I was just glad he was alive and breathing and happy. 

He smiled at me and then looked back down at his arms, where multiple chords were sticking out. 

“I don’t need these. I’m fine.” He said before ripping one out of his muscular arms. I winced and he gasped at the pain. I laughed at his stupidity and calmed him down. 

He was back. 

“Hey. When I get out of this hell hole your’e going on another date with me. And this time your’e not going to drown.” He said chuckling at his last statement. I froze, shaking at the memory. 

“gladly.” I said with a laugh. 

I was so happy to see his smile again. And his eyes. 

Just him.


oh just saying I kinda love Christina Perrie so erm yeah. That's why here song is on the side and it completely explains this situation. Yay happy endinnnggg      for now.... xx katiee 

If I Lose My Way: A Louis Tomlinson fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now