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I look over at my bag, digging through the stuff before spotting something soft, taking it out.

I hug it, sitting down in the corner of the bedroom.

...He gave me this...i think during valentine's day. I... still remember it like it was yesterday...

Jonah ran up to Adam, giving him a kiss on the cheek and giggling. Adam smiled at him. They have been dating for quite some time, and have gotten attached to each other more than they ever had foreseen. Adam notices Jonah hiding something behind his back, and he sighs softly, getting a warm smile spread across his face. "alright you little goofball, what did you get for me?" He cooed, chuckling as they got into the van. "Oh come on! Did someone tell you?" Jonah pouted. "Nah, you're just bad at hiding things." Adam said with a smug look. "I- HEY!" Jonah started, but calmed himself down. "Ok, this was supposed to be a surprise, b-but you found out anyways, so..." Jonah gave a little bag with hearts on it while blushing, looking away. "Aww... you didn't have to, weed boy.." Adam said, lifting Jonah's head to look into his ocean blue eyes. This only made Jonah blush more, becoming a bit angry. "H-hey, don't call me that in that ton-!" Adam had moved forward, kissing Jonah on the lips for the first time. Senses flooded between the two lovers, both slowly sinking into the kiss and embracing each other before parting for air. "You talk too much sometimes, lover boy.."  Adam said, laughing as Jonah turns into a tomato. "H-HEY- just open the gift already..." Jonah mumbled, smiling helplessly. Adam opens the bag and chuckles. "This just looks like tissue paper..." He says with a smug face, holding in his laughter as he leans close to his face again. Jonah huffs, pushing his face back, letting out a soft snicker. "Alright prince charming, yeah go ahead and actually open it." Adam chuckles to himself before opening the gift, pulling out a teddy bear and a friendship ring (platonic cause no marriage yet, slow down buster). His eyes lit up on how fluffy and squishy it was, Jonah giggling at this child-like side of Adam he never saw before. Adam gave him a kiss on the nose, saying, "Thanks for the gift, honey boo." Jonah grins before saying "Whatever you say, teddy bear" before Sarah pokes her head out, laughing at the two being gay together.

Adam smiled, before he realized with a sniffle he had been crying. he looks to his side and almost gets a heart attack by the shadow figure - who he thinks is called "Kitty" - sitting by him, patting his head. He smiles weakly at Kitty before looking down at the plush. He knew he heard on some sort of social media platform what this place was, and how to leave. He knew he was going to have to give up the bear, the closest thing he had to Jonah, and  - more importantly - his home. He sat there, staring at it. At the time he didn't think too much of it, and honestly, he didn't know why he'd bring it with him in the first place. He never had stuffed animals as a kid, anyways. Never understood the appeal. But now he treasures it. He wipes his tears with his hoodie, looking up at Kitty. Kitty looks at the stuffed animal, Adam, and back at the stuffed animal. It mutters "can keep, can leave anytime" to (mostly) itself before teleporting to the door frame, giving Adam one last look, and teleporting somewhere else. Adam watches it teleport away, moving his eyes down to the plush, hugging it tightly around his chest. It reeked of Jonah. Then, he got a message from his phone. He opens the phone and reads the message.

~ 🐤💋 ώ𝔢ẸD ᗰαᶰ 🐟👮 ~

hey, I don't know if you're alive and shit, but i really miss you man. I really don't know what's gotten over me or im just imagining this or something, but I feel like something is just... missing when you're not around. im not saying this to be chummy or anything - because im not - but i love you. i love you so much and i dont know what id do without you being next to me. i miss you. i miss you so much.

Adam read the message once. twice. 3 times, 4... He sighs, knowing he could change his phone here, but that would take ages... he checks the battery, seeing is really low. He sighs, and types out his response.

😂🐍𝔞∂𝔞ⓜ 𝓉𝒽𝔼 𝔞Ƥ𝔭𝓵𝓔 ☜🍎

I don't have much battery, but i just want to say this; I miss you too, Jonah. I'm bandaged up and im in a cute infested house with an alternate looking thing called "Kitty." im safe. don't worry. I'll ttyl when I charge my phone.

He smiles, sending the message and sighing, taking out his changer and plugging his phone into the outlet. He gets up and climbs into bed, while questions flood his mind. Is he hurt? Where is he? Why did they separate? But there was one that tugged at him the most; Is he Safe? He shook his head, trying to clear it. Come on, Adam, stay calm. He's probably not running in that hell hospital while typing that, right? He shuttered at the thought. He then curled up, staring out the window.

"I just want him to be safe."

The Mandela Backrooms (DISCONTINUED.)Where stories live. Discover now