Lord Anthony Christopher Two Oldest Sisters

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Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory had two older sisters, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, and Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence Territory

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Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory had two older sisters, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, and Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence Territory.

They were born 16 months apart from each other, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard was born on Beltane Day, May 1, 2275, and Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence was born on Samhain, October 31, 2276.

Lady Elizabeth was born with golden blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin, in contrast to Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence Territory who resembled her father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory.

Lady Elizabeth had a bad temper, prone to temper tantrums, whereas Lady Samhain was even tempered, sweet, and given by her mother, Lady Karissa the nickname of "Little Peace-maker" in the family.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane was opinionated and she didn't care who she offended whereas Lady Samhain cared if she hurt someone's feelings and always apologized.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane would often tell Lord Anthony that he had a hand-me-down territory, and he received it because their great-grand-uncle son's had no children, so it passed onto him through their great-great-grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was often seen crying to his second sister that would assure him that Lancaster Territory was just as good as any territory on Star Base 12.

Lady Karissa would tell her son, " Lancaster Territory belonged to your great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort and he only had two children, your great-granduncle, Lord Thomas Beaufort and your great-great-grandmother was the oldest but she didn't want your great-great-grandfather to get his stingy hands on her territory so she passed it to her brother, but she had no guarantee that her brother great-great-grandson wouldn't have any children and rather than it go into abyss it reverted back to Lady Jeanette's second son, your great-grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and his son, your grandfather and his oldest grandson, and you are his oldest grandson." Lady Karissa explains.

"One territory is just as good as any territory here on Star-Base 12, my dear Lord Anthony." Lady Karissa tells her son, " I am Marchioness of Pembroke Territory."

"It doesn't matter what the size of the territory is and it is how one chooses to govern it." Lady Karissa explains.

"Wise rulers govern with compassion, mercy, and justice and unwise ones are often removed for the very same reasons - they lack compassion, mercy and justice." Lady Karissa states.

"Look at your sister, Lady Samhain. She is well loved in Clarence as are your third cousins, Lord Richard William Carey and Lord Thomas William Howard, and your second cousin, Lord David William Beck and first cousin once removed, Lord Richard Edward II as well as your two uncles, Lord Charles Andrew III and Lord Patrick William II and your grandfather." Lady Karissa tells her son.

"Lady Elizabeth is often haughty and too proud for her own." Lady Karissa explains, "I will have your father talk to her."

Lady Samhain and Lord Anthony Christopher are close but not as close as Lady Caroline Matilda is to Lord Anthony Christopher, because they are only 23 months and 3 days apart from each other in age.

Lady Elizabeth does love her younger brother, Lord Anthony and she is quick to come to his defense when other young men bully her brother and nothing stops her from fighting them and she isn't afraid to knock them down and make them fall on their rear-ends.

Lady Elizabeth is a fighter and she is not a defeatist and she doesn't give in.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is well loved by everyone in his family especially by his father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

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