A Bride for The Duke of Langley Territory

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Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey is the second child and only son of Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey was born on Mabon, September 21, 2289, approximately four years to the very day that his older half brother was born.

Lord Albert Edward, Duke of Kent Territory and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley Territory are half brothers as they have the same mother, Lady Karissa, The Marchioness of Pembroke Territory, but different fathers, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lord Richard William Carey.

The two brothers look very much like each other and both are very good looking.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey is the great-great-great-grandson of Lord Frederick William Carey and the great-great-grandson of Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and Lord Albert Edward Howard is the great-great-grandson of Lord Frederick William Howard and great-grandson of Lord Charles Andrew Howard Senior and they are both children of Lord Frederick William Howard who is the eldest son of Lord Patrick William Howard and Lady Margaret Penelope Devereux

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey is male line descendant of Lord John Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory who traveled with Lord Patrick William Howard on the USS Excalibur on April 30, 2153.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey ancestry dated back to the time to one Sir John Carey who had a son named Sir Robert Carey who had a son,Sir Philip Carey who had a son named,Sir William Carey who had a son named Sir Thomas Carey who married Lady Eleanor Spencer who was the granddaughter of Lord Edmund Beaufort who was the son of Lord John Beaufort and he had two sons, but Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey comes through second son, Lord William Carey who married Lady Mary Boleyn and they had a son, Lord Henry Carey whose daughter, Lady Katherine Carey married Sir Charles Howard.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey comes through both the matrilineal and the patrilineal line of the Howard family through his father, Lord Richard William Carey and through his great-great-grandmother, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey at the age of 17 years old was taken to the cotillion of 2305 by his father, Lord Richard William Carey to find a bride for his 17 year old son.

Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford escorts his son, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley into the ballroom at Ritz Inn where the cotillion is held every November on Star Base 12 and where all the fathers present their daughters who have just turned 15 years old.

The fathers are looking for husbands for their daughters and many fathers are there to present their daughters and two are Lord Charles Valois and Lord Louis Bourbon and they are direct descendants of King Louis IX of France and one of his sons, King Phillip and Robert Of Clermont.

Both are of French ancestry with some English in their blood lines.

Lord Charles Valois is Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois and Lord Louis Bourbon's daughter, Lady Beatrice Bourbon and both are quite beautiful.

Both the Bourbons and Valois have married into the Howard family before, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey' s grandfather, Lord George Frederick Bourbon married Lady Henrietta Marie Bourbon and Lord Frederick William Howard II married Lady Marie-Thérèse Charlotte Bourbon and was the mother of Lord Frederick William Howard III and his first cousin thrice removed, Lord Richard Edward Howard Senior married Lady Elizabeth Valois.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey had a difficult choice but naturally his brother, Lord Albert Edward wanted him to marry Lady Beatrice Bourbon as he married Lady Henrietta Ann Bourbon, but Lord Richard Edward III his third cousin wanted him to marry into the Valois family since his mother was Lady Elizabeth Valois.

When Lord Benjamin Lawrence approached his mother and he told her he had a situation she looks up at her youngest son and says "A Situation?"

"Yes mother. I have a situation and I am torn between two ladies I have met." Lord Benjamin Lawrence tells his mother.

"I would call it a matter of the heart, my son".Lady Karissa explains, " You must follow your heart and let it lead you."

"The woman you pick will be not only your wife but your Duchess." Lady Karissa states, " Children of your body will carry on what your great-great-great-great-grandfather started in 2165." Lady Karissa explains.

"Only one of your sister's children will receive the Carey surname but all of your children will carry your surname, Carey." Lady Karissa explains.

"Lord John Carey traveled with Lord Patrick William Howard and it was his grandson, Lord William Carey who married your great-great-great-grandmother, Lady Sophia Charlotte as Lord Philip Carey and Lord Frederick William Howard were born around the same time in 2165 and it was their children who married each other.

"You see Lord John Carey had a son, Lord Philip and Lord Philip had a son, Lord William and Lord Patrick William Howard had a son, Lord Frederick William Howard who had a daughter, Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard and they married and they had your great-grandfather,Lord George Frederick Carey who had your grandfather, Lord Robert Frederick Carey and he had your father, Lord Richard William." Lady Karissa states.

"It will be through you that Lord John's Carey's line continues. Perhaps in time one of your children's grandchildren will inherit the Dukedom of Bedford Territory." Lady Karissa tells her son.

"It may be one of your great-granddaughters that inherit the Dukedom of Bedford from their great-grandaunt." Lady Karissa states.

"Lord Albert Edward wants me to marry Lady Beatrice Bourbon and Lord Richard Edward III wants me to marry Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois." Lord Benjamin Lawrence tells his mother.

"I am afraid neither are marrying the young women as they are already married, Lord Richard Edward III is married to your oldest sister, and Lord Albert Edward is married to Lady Henrietta Ann Bourbon." Lady Karissa explains.

"You must make up your mind which one you will court and in time marry." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence favors Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois and he decided on her and they court each other from 2305 until 2308 and they married in 2310 they have son, Lord John Philip Carey, a daughter, Lady Lettice Essex Carey, in 2315 and a second son, Lord George Robert Carey in 2320.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence names his two sons after their great-great-great-great-grandfather and great-great-great-grandfathers and their great-grandfather and grandfather.

It is Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey son, Lord John Philip Carey who names his first born son who is born in 2325, Lord Richard William Carey II, and his second son is called Lord William Philip Carey who is born in 2330, shortly before his great-grandmother, Lady Karissa dies.

It is Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey's second son, Lord George Robert Carey who marries in 2335, who names his son, Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey II born in 2340, and his second son, Lord William Philip Carey who is born in 2345.

Lady Lettice Essex Carey married in 2330 shortly before her great-grandmother, Lady Karissa and she has two children, Lady Philadelphia Essex Carey and Lady Catherine Mary Carey as she marries a kinsman, Lord Charles John Carey.

Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford lines continues through not only Lady Caroline Matilda Carey and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey,

Lord Anthony Christoper Howard, Duke of Lancaster TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now