The Duchess of Lancaster Territory

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Lord Andrew Charles and Lord Anthony Christopher take trip to Lennox Territory where Lord Anthony Christopher will purpose to Lady Alexandrina Charlene to be his wife and when they arrive at the border of Lennox and Norfolk Territory, the Stuart carriage is waiting carrying Lady Alexandrina Charlene is waiting with her father and mother, and Lord Anthony Christopher walks over to where the Stuart carriage is and he opens up the door and he helps Lady Alexandrina Charlene to climb out and he gets down on one knee and asks " Please marry me, Lady Alexandrina Charlene. I can't live without you."

Lady Alexandrina Charlene smiles and she answers " I will be very happy to marry you, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard." and they two young people embrace.

Lord Alexander Charles orders the bells to ring over Lennox Territory to announce the engagement of Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart to Lord Anthony Christopher Howard. Duke of Lancaster Territory.

The bells ring over Lancaster Territory, Norfolk Territory, York, Langley, Bedford, Wessex, Essex, Cambridge, Sussex, Clarence, St. Albans, Albany and Pembroke Territories to announce the engagement of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard to Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart.

Lord Alexander Charles and Lord Andrew Charles have to settle their marriage agreement and the first thing is that their first child will inherit Lennox Territory, the second child will inherit Lancaster and Lady Karissa will confer Pembroke Territory if the third child is a daughter.

Lord Alexander Charles offers a generous dowry to Lord Anthony Christopher once the couple are married and have consummated their marriage.

Lady Alexandrina Charlene will receive Lennox Manor and the title of Duchess of Lennox Territory as the oldest child.

Finally, their marriage is set for June 21, 2301 at The Cathedral of The Blessed Virgin and a second wedding at Beltane Manor in Bedford Territory.

The second wedding will take place on June 30, 2301 when they arrive back at Beltane Manor.

The marriage agreements are finalized between Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox Territory and Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart wedding day arrives on June 21, 2301, and Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox walks his daughter up the aisle to marry Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell-Carey nee Lowell, Lord Richard William Carey, along with Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, Duchess of Norfolk Territory with Lord Richard Edward Howard, Duke of Wessex Territory and Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence Territory and Lord David William Beck II all ride out to Lennox Territory to attend the wedding of Lord Anthony Christopher Howard to Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart.

Lord Albert Edward Howard is his brother's best man and Lady Caroline Matilda Carey is Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart maid of honor and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann and Lady Karissa Ann Howard are the junior brides-maids, Lady Anastasia and Lady Sophia Dorothea are the bridesmaids, and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey is the usher along with Lord James Alexander Stuart.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory stands at the altar at The Cathedral of The Blessed Virgin in Lennox Territory with Lord Albert Edward and Lord Alexander Charles walks his daughter up the aisle and places her hand into Lord Anthony Christopher hand and in front of the guests Lord Anthony Christopher and Lady Alexandrina Charlene plight their troth to each other.

The Father of the church proclaims them husband and wife and calls out " May I present to you, Lord and Lady Anthony Christopher Howard, Their Grace, the Duke and The Duchess of Lancaster Territory."

Lord Anthony is given permission to kiss his beautiful bride and he walks over to her and he lifts up her veil and he kisses her and they smile at everyone as they stand at the altar.

Lord Anthony tells his father and mother " I have never been so happy mom and dad."

"I am happy you are happy my dear son." Lady Karissa tells him " I implore you not to follow in your father's footsteps."

"I promise mom. I will never be like my father. I respect him, mom and I love him, but I don't want to be like him.' Lord Anthony states" Does he realize that he lost the best woman he will ever find."

"One day it may dawn on him, Lord Anthony. Sometimes we have to do what we think in the end is best for us." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I stayed married for the sake of my children, and if I didn't have any of you, I would have left him long before I did." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Lord Richard William and I are very happy." Lady Karissa tells her son, " Lady Caroline Matilda will be the next to marry, following her Lord Albert and Lady Anastasia, following her Lord Benjamin Lawrence and then Lady Sophia Dorothea and finally Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I just want to see all my children happily married. I had to fight and claw for it and if I have achieved it. I will be happy. I agree with Lord Alexander Charles Stuart damn these prearranged marriages that only bring heart-break, and misery." Lady Karissa tells him.

"The two good things your father achieved was to abolish the archaic practice of the prearranged marriages and the male preferred primogeniture and he replaced it with absolute primogeniture." Lady Karissa tells her son.

"Now with your sister firmly as Duchess of Norfolk Territory. She will continue with the good fight for equality and justice for mothers and their daughters." Lady Karissa tells her son.

Lady Elizabeth walks up to her brother " So you tied the knot bro." Lady Elizabeth tells her brother " I hope Lady Alexandrina and you will be as happy as Lord Richard Edward III and I have been and we look to you to give our Lady Karissa a first cousin."

"Don't worry sis. Give us time to settle in and I promise my niece a first cousin." Lord Anthony tells his sister.

"Listen bro, please take good care of Lady Alexandrina. She is my second cousin too as Lord Richard Edward III is your second cousin." Lady Elizabeth tells her brother.

"You can count on it sis. I love Lady Alexandrina. I will never love another woman as I love Lady Alexandrina" Lord Anthony tells Lady Elizabeth.

"I guess Lady Caroline Matilda is next to marry." Lady Elizabeth tells her brother.

"Lady Caroline Matilda has already found her match in Lord Kevin Thomas Riley II. The match will make mom and her dear friend, Lord Kevin Thomas Riley SR very happy." Lady Elizabeth tells her brother.

"Sis. You don't have to be an aristocrat to marry one." Lord Anthony states " Mom was not an aristocrat but she rose to the occasion."

Lord Anthony Christopher and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard nee Stuart are married in a second wedding ceremony in the gardens at Beltane Manor with family only.

Then they set off for Lancaster Territory where they governed Lancaster Territory together.

Nine months after they are married they are blessed with their first child, a son, Lord Alexander Anthony Howard who will inherit the Dukedom of Lennox Territory and he resembles his maternal grandmother, Lady Josephine Isabella Habsburg.

Lord Anthony and Lady Alexandrina cup of joy overflows with happiness with the birth of their first child and son, Lord Alexander Andrew Howard.

Little Lord Alexander Andrew Howard is not Lord Andrew and Lady Karissa's first grandson, as Lady Elizabeth Victoria and Lord Richard Edward have a son, Lord Richard Edward IV in 2300 and Lady Samhain faithful to her word names her baby daughter, Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard who L born in 2300.

Little Lord Alexander Andrew Howard is their second grandson and their second granddaughter is Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard and Little Lord Alexander Andrew Howard is the second grandson and fourth grandchild.

Little Lord Alexander Andrew Howard is loved by both sides of his family and he is very precious to both his grandmothers.

Lord Anthony Christopher is a happy man with a beautiful wife and a handsome son, but they don't plan their next child to be born until 2305.

Lord Anthony Christoper Howard, Duke of Lancaster TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now