The Two Second Cousins Meet

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Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, Duke of Lancaster Territory and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart were second cousins through Lord Anthony Christopher Howard paternal grandmother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart's paternal grandfather, Lord Alexander Charles Stuart Senior.

The first time, but they don't remember meeting was at Lord Anthony's sister's double wedding in June of 2294, and Lord Anthony Christopher was only 14 years old and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart was only 12 years old.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was an usher at his sister's wedding and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart was a junior brides-maid along with Lady Caroline Matilda who was only one month older than she was.

Lady Autumn Bridget Howard was maid of honor for Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, Duchess of Clarence Territory and Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud was Lady Elizabeth's maid of honor and Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey and Lady Sophia Dorothea were ring-bearer and flower girl and Lady Anastasia was bridesmaid.

Lord Richard Edward Howard II was his son's best man and Lord David William Beck Senior was his son's best man at their weddings.

The two second cousins met for a second time in 2297 at Lord Anthony Christopher grandmother's funeral in Lennox territory and he traveled with his father, mother, brothers, sisters, and uncles, and third cousin, Lord Richard William Carey to attend the three day wake, funeral and interim of Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart in Lennox Territory.

The Howard carriages pull out of Beltane Manor together and journey south to Lennox Territory from Bedford Territory with Lord Andrew Charles sitting next to Lord Albert Edward and Lord Anthony Christopher, Lady Karissa sitting with Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann in her lap, Lord Richard William Carey sitting next to Lady Sophia Dorothea, and Lord Benjamin Lawrence.

Followed by the second Howard carriage carrying Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane holding Lady Karissa Ann, Lord Richard Edward III sitting next to to Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, across from her is sitting Lady Samhain and Lord David Beck II,

Followed by a the third Howard carriage carrying Lord Patrick William II, Lady Paulina, Lady Autumn Bridget and Lord David Frederick, Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III, Lord Charles Andrew Howard IV, and the carriages pull out and they head for Lennox Territory to attend the wake of Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart.

A mother of great courage that was forced to marry a man that she never loved but she muddled through the sham of a marriage with a man she didn't love and she had five children with a man she never loved.

The Howard carriages go through the streets of Bedford Territory but they don't stop as they don't have time and the carriages head for Lennox Territory.

Per the agreement of 2165, no Lord may cross the border without the Duke, Marquess, Earl, meeting the other at their border.

Lord Alexander Charles Stuart, Duke of Lennox with the Stuart carriage carrying Lady Josephine Isabella and Lady Alexandrina Charlene and Lord James Alexander in the carriage.

Lord Alexander Charles is at the border of Lennox and Norfolk as the Howard carriages cross the border and Lord Alexander Charles meets the Howard entourage and Lord Andrew Charles gets out and he bows " Hello once again, Cousin Lord Alexander Charles, but on such a unhappy occasion unlike the first time we journey to Lennox Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells his first cousin.

"Your mother passed away quietly, Lord Andrew Charles. Lady Josephine never left her side once and she kept vigil day and night." Lord Alexander Charles explains.

Lord Anthony Christoper Howard, Duke of Lancaster TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now