The shadows are falling

304 19 81

6pm evening, seoul
No one's POV

The city was alive with hustle, the evening the roads were crowded by people going to places, homes, their loved ones. The roads were filled with people but a person was hard to not notice.

Chan was smiling brighter than the sun, bubbling with energy because he was excited to see a certain someone. He was proposed to by his lovely angel of a boyfriend and it wasn't something over the top but it was the best thing that happened to Chan in a while.

Thinking of his cute possessive boyfriend waiting at home for him made is thoughts even brighter. Minho was Chan's light. He was the sun that never let darkness swallow Chan. And Chan loved that he had such a person in his life. Recalling about Minho and the morning incident made Chan blush furiously.
Minho was an angel but he did sometimes acted as devil incarnate especially when he thought Chan looked cute when he blushed and that was always most of the time.
The morning flashed through Chan's mind making him go as crimson as the evening skies.


Chan's POV

I woke up to a feeling of someone snuggling into my neck and a heavy hand on my waist. It has been years and yet it always makes me warm and fuzzy inside. I turn around and snuggle closer into his chest. His hand playing with my curly locks of hair. I could feel his breath on my head, his chin tucked above it. The sweet scent of asters and honey wafted from it.

His scent was the most comforting and sweet thing. It reminded of his presence, in the past , present and hopefully future, he was always there for me to hold onto. Sometimes I feel like a princess because of him.

"Are the voices troubling you dear princess?" he questioned in his deep morning voice. I snuggled closer in hopes of hiding my red embarrassed cheeks. This guy really knows how to make me go all red. I heard a melodic chuckle a smile tugged on my lips.

"No I was just thinking how magical it is to have you all to myself" I closed the little space that was between us hugging him like a koala.

"Of course you do afterall there is only one The Lee Minho in the world"
And he killed the mood earning a rightful smack from me on his shoulder. The action causing him to pout. Minho scrunched his nose so adorably that I couldn't resist myself from pecking his soft lips. And I realised why I had fallen for this annoying guy. Because he was a constant, the only person who really saw my damaged broken self and yet didn't even flinch. Who held me like I was the world.

"As much as I love doing this we must get ready or our salaries will have to face consequences." Reluctantly we started to get ready I got up to cook breakfast while Minho went to freshen up.

*Ahmm the room temperature rose suddenly*

Noone's POV

Chan was cooking some pancakes as breakfast in the kitchen. Too preoccupied in his thoughts he didn't hear the soft steps coming behind him. He was brought back from his thoughts by the feeling of two heavy set hands wrapping around his small but petite waist. Heat radiated from the presence behind him. Minho's breath tickled his ears. He started leaving small wet kisses all over Chan's neck and shoulders. The thin tank top of Chan made his embarrassment obvious. Chan's whole body was dusted in pink blush. From his arms to the tip of the ears everything was blooming into a lovely pink of honeysuckles. His heart was accelerating at the pace of a rocket. His voice got caught in his throat. And Chan knew his fiancee was also going through the same because he could feel Minho's bare chest on his back and his heartbeat along with it. Minho turned Chan around dropping feather light kisses on his collar bone. Nipping and suckling on soft pale skin. Minho bit Chan's sweet spot and soothed it with his tongue. The action caused Chan to whimper. The sinful sound was the indication of how great Chan was feeling. Minho raised his face while looking Chan in the eye, his lips twitching into a smirk.

Minho was feeling elated infront of him Chan was sitting on the counter covered with his marks. His gaze ran all over Chan, locking on his plump full lips. He locked Chan's lips with his, he started a dance with them. Minho's arms roaming all over Chan unashamedly making Chan gasp. Lost in their own world they forgot about their surroundings. That is until they smelled the burning pancakes. Causing them to realise that they have tasks to complete and places to be.

*Flashback ends*

Chan was smiling, his cheeks rosier than roses that bloom in spring, he dimples twinkling like stars on his cheek. Chan just couldn't wait to hug the life out of his love after a tiring day at work. He felt like an excited golden retriever meeting his owner after a long time. Well Minho was actually the owner of his heart.

Unknown persons POV

He looked so bright in the dull crowd. He shined like a cosmic star. My cosmic star. You may have left the past behind love but I am not letting you go.
You will always be mine. For eternity. No matter where your heart is you will always belong to me.

Noone's POV

He didn't see the shadows falling so invested in his own world he was blind to the obvious signs that the end of his beautiful story was rushing on to him like a crushing wave. The veil of shadows falling on his life....


- idk how I am supposed to use the flower references 🙂 am I the only one or maths is easier in class and like super hard when u r doing the problem on ur own💀🗿🤌🏻
- Anon

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