In the crowd I found you

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Noone's POV
At the florist

Chan had the expression between serenity and confusion. His eyes shining with a bouquet of questions but his smile hinting that no matter the purpose he was happy to be there.

"Well since the wedding is in a a few weeks and you were stressed I thought bringing you to the florist to choose the wedding bouquet would be a great way of unwinding. And maybe you might get some inspiration for what you need in your wedding suit. And I don't want you to reminiscence even one bit of the pain that unworthy guy inflicted on you."

Minho's gaze turned cold with a sudden edge to it while thinking of the person but it returned to ever softest and warmest brown when he heard a light sweet chuckle.

"Oh so is he Voldemort now that you won't even mention his name"

Minho needed a minute to process and connect because Chan made his thoughts disoriented. He couldn't focus when he was thinking of showering his wrath on a certain person and then was faced with such an endearing sight.

Chan had a honey sweet voice and it was like music to Minho's ears when he chuckled. Collecting his thoughts before  Minho could stop himself words spilt from his mouth.

"He makes Voldemort seem like a Saint."

His hand automatically went to Chan's cheek caressing them. He broke out from his reverie by the voice of the florist.

"Have you chosen what you would need?"

The florist had been there when the couple first met as strangers. She had been the one to urge them to take the first step in relationship. She had encouraged them to confess to each other. She had seen their ups and their downs. She was their guardian. And she wouldn't want to change a thing about them. Because in this cold city these two sweet souls where one on the only ones to genuinely care about her words and wellbeing.

"Well I think I know what I need for the wedding bouquet"

Chan was surging with energy now being between the people he loved. He was about to say what he needed when he realised the presence near him. He started pushing Minho to another aisle. While his Minho whined about this.

"But why..........I wanna know too and I see you holding the bouquet and I also want to see you wearing a specific accessory..... can't I just see a sneak peak"

Chan shushed Minho with a peck and emphasising on what a surprise means.

"You will see it in a few weeks and surprises are not supposed to be known before the assigned day. And you can just tell the florist what you need as accessory with flowers."

Chan kissed Minho's cheek before withdrawing from him and going to the florist. He heard Minho's discontent murmurs. Chan was too far to hear them clearly. But he could make along the lines of

"You don't love me could you make me wait for weeks..... Where did all our love go......."

Chan could hear Minho's pout in his voice and his playful tone made his heart lift to the sky. A smile made way through his lips. His mouth twitching into a full blown smile as soon as he heard fake crying noises from Minho.

The Hollyhocks had given birth to an idea in Chan's mind and the more he thought about it, more it tugged at his heart. Chan didn't feel comfortable cross dressing in a public event even if the only people present were his loved ones. He feared disappointing people especially his loved ones. Chan decided on wearing a suit but he couldn't find anything that made him feel comfortable and special.

Chan had already decided what he wanted in his bouquet. He wanted the tulips, surrounded with honeysuckles,  carnations, with a small bunch of  red hyacinths and asters. With red Hollyhocks at the centre.

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