How I regret the day when you became just dandelion memory of mine

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Minho's POV

Like the winter snow you vanished taking away everything with you. I didn't even get to show my love with red roses, we were left with hours that ticked away like the petals scattered by wind. I believed a blossom that could never bloom and now I pay it's price. With only the dandelion memories of yours I wait for the journey of this lifetime to end. To meet you at gates of the netherworld. Be patient my lavender I would find my way back to you..............

A few months ago

Chan's POV

What a hassle is it to dress up. I sighed wondering how was it for Minho. We decided to stay apart a day before the wedding. To carry the tradition of the having the first glance of your spouse at the ceremony. We are supposed to get there in an hour. This was it. The most memorable day of my life. The day I will tie the knot of a promise. The promise of being together with him for this and every life. To always find him every time I reincarnate. Today was our special day.

The thought brought a giddiness in me. Everything felt like it was perfect. I glanced at the mirror checking for any imperfections. The silver white suit had a crescent moon pattern embroidered on the sleeve. The design was incomplete the other half was threaded on Minho's suit. It represented that I was incomplete without him and he was incomplete without me.

"Done admiring yourself , the soon to be Mr. Lee ."

I heard a sweet chuckle and the person who was the reason of my being emerged. My face flushed to her words. Her embrace was warm but held a tinge of sadness.

"Oh sweety you look like a prince from a folk lore."

"Ofcourse I do I am the son of the most beautiful couple afterall." We chuckled. But she held a storm of emotions in her eyes. But her love shone through her tears.

"Well your lovely yet to be husband sent a special gift and he wants you to wear it today."

I was feeling elated. Minho always made me feel loved. Sometimes it's was too beautiful to believe. And yet it was the truth.

I unwrapped the box to find a tiara made of wisteria, lilies, centred with camelias and bound together with lavenders and snowdrops.

The tiara seemed so fragile that it felt that it would pain the flowers if I touch them.

My mother placed it on my head. She grinned in satisfaction. Her eyes lighting up that finally her son was about to get married.

It was almost time we rushed into the car careful not to wrinkle the suit or knock off the tiara in our haste.

Noone's POV

The car was going at a stable pace. The road seemed peaceful. The traffic was low due to the heat of the afternoon sun.

Unknown to them the shadowy curtains of fate started to draw in. The sky knew before anyone else that the moment arrived.

Chan was bubbling with every emotion there was. The butterflies in his stomach increasing as he was getting closer to the venue. His eyes always glancing back at his phone. He had wished nothing more than calling Minho at the time but he refrained. Everyone had turned off their communication devices as soon as they reached the venue. Everything felt like a beautiful mirage, that it would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Still enchanted by the musings of his mind. Chan didn't get to prepare for the blow. A sickening crunch and everything happened in a moment. He felt a warm liquid flowing from his soft skin. It took a moment for the pain to arrive. But when it did the bleakness of the crevice seemed tempting. But he couldn't stop he was falling deeper down the emptiness. Leaving his dead heart behind.

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