Is it love or obsession?

204 14 47

Trigger warning:- Contains obsessive thoughts, masochism(bring ur unholy mind back it ain't that) ,mentions abusive relationship

Unknown person's POV

I came back to my abode. It doesn't feel like home anymore without him. But it seems like he forgot who he belonged to. His smiles are now owned by someone else. But it won't for long.

No matter where you run off to love I will always drag you to myself. Your smile belongs only to me only I have the right to see it. In my thoughts of bringing him back I didn't realise that I arrived at my destination.

He always did that to me. Filled my mind with thoughts about him. Always vying for my attention doing anything and everything for it. I know that you are doing this just to make me jealous love, I know you still can't forget the past we shared. And if you try to leave me it in the oblivion of your mind I will drag those memories out. I will make you stay with me and if you refuse, the consequences will be irreversible my Angel.

I hope he takes this chance to comeback. He doesn't realise how much I love him. The way he resembles a black rose. Always resplendent. He is my obsession that I don't want to leave behind. Oh how much beauty his face holds when tears stream down his eyes, how beautiful the red rivulets of blood make him look. His cries are like the deep dark music of the abyss. He looks his best when he has my marks all over him. I know he aches for that too.

Soon my love I will have you within my chains and confine you to the same eternal pain we both used to love.......

My black rose I will not let you go even if I have to destroy you for it.....

Noone's POV

The guy in black was staring intently at his prey. His desire blinded eyes never leaving the person he craved the most. He shook his head to get out of his obsessive trance. He was inside his thorny castle. Protected by its brick walls , caressing the now the thorny plant whispering promises of bringing back it's companion.

The sky hide behind blankets of clouds as if afraid of what it was witnessing and about to witness. Hiding away from the sorrow that was about to crash on her children.
Once again I remind you I am no specialist in this field of what flower represents what fresh flowers are positive indicators while dried up flowers represent negativity. Please correct any mistakes you find on that topic here but as much I accept constructive criticism I won't accept disrespect thank you.

Every flower represents good as well as bad incidents while the positive meaning of black roses is optimism and major change In the dark version the black rose represents death ,obsession and danger while asters represent loyalty and love .......

The cover is temporary my partner in crime is making the new one 😁🤌🏻✨

The cover is temporary my partner in crime is making the new one 😁🤌🏻✨

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They represent healing

Ik some of you are ready to whack my head away for teasing you with this update but heyy we need fillers too.....
Well next chap is long and overall ....... I ain't telling ya hahahah😗🤌🏻

Oh and here is some of shy Chan and Minchan content to fill your heart with warmth


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