Only for fate to snatch you away

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Minho's POV

"Let's watch a movie, Min"
Chan yelled from the bedroom. His voice was too cheery for a just ignored retriever. What is this dumb cutie upto.

"Sure which one do you want?"

I hummed the response. It is annoying when Chan starts with surprises. Sometimes it's worrying, the amount of time he spends trying brighten others life even when he needs a breather.

"Let's watch Pride and Prejudice"

His tone is getting more suspicious. How can I focus on my cooking when you are bounding around like a child with sugar rush Channie. I focused on finishing the dinner my thoughts drifting to Chan in every possible way.

Noone's POV

Minho was surprised that Chan still hadn't arrived. He sat down wondering what was up.

"Chan everything is ready. Come down quick."

His bounding steps echoed through the room. Accompanied by his light joyous giggles. The sound did things to Minho's heart. Minho turned towards Chan's voice hypnotized. The sight infront of him darkened his eyes, his pulse was pounding and his mind was flashing with images of Chan in ways no one could assume.

Chan giggled and pounced on Minho. Sitting on his lap, his arms constricting around Minho like vines entrapping Minho in a protective cage. Well Minho didn't really want to escape it.  Chan was in his fluffiest softest form. He was  wearing Minho's favourite mint green hoodie containing the cutest of cat paw design. A black hairband with Kitten ears. The sight made his heart thump like a drum. Sinous thoughts filled his mind.

*And the room temperature 🌡️ increased*

Throughout the movie Minho was having trouble focusing on the movie. Chan kept shifting and snuggling into him. Minho had this intense feeling of pinning Chan under him right now but as it would seem Chan was inexplicably interested in the movie.

By the end of the movie he was frustrated to the point that he pulled Chan towards him exterminating any little space between them.

Minho's hand pressed against Chan's back. His heated stare pinned on Chan. Immediately he flipped Chan. He was pinning a flustered and bewildered Chan on the couch.

The air between them was charged, tension crackled between them. And before Chan could say anything he felt Minho's fervent lips on his. His arms automatically coiling around his partner's shoulders. His fingers running through Minho's soft hair.


The voice pushed Minho to the edge. He nipped on Chan's lower lip asking for entrance. Receiving it almost immediately. Chan was sweet like the nectar from the roses he was both like honey and pepper at the same time.

Chan felt cold hands on his hot skin. He tugged Minho's hair harder earning a deep growl from him. He arched his back when he felt Minho's hand travelling all over his body. Caressing and touching him. Wrapping his legs around Minho's middle yearning for more he gasped as he felt Minho move away. He was about to whine when in a swift movement his shirt was taken of him and discarded on the floor.

The cold air made him even more sensitive. Minho had a knowing smirk on his face. His angelic face seemed entirely different. He leaned into Chan. Hovering his hand over Chan's ab. Tracing a path to his lips making Chan squirm with pleasure.

"Aww looks like you have long night ahead Angel. Should we stop here or would you like to continue?"

Minho whispered while marking Chan. His lips lazy tracing Chan collar bone. Chan was feeling palpable under all of attention Minho was giving him. His hot skin was turning a shade deeper than any crimson was ever seen.He hid his face behind his blushing arms. Minho growled at the action moving his hand away.
"Let me see you princess, you look adorable when you have your natural blush."

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